Luiz Carlos de Macedo Soares,
dean of the University
Center Eurípides de Marília,
to the magazine
“Corruption: is there a
remedy for this evil?” is
the title and the theme of
our editorial, in which is
stressed the value of
education to renovate our
Luiz Carlos de Macedo Soares,
dean of the University
center Eurípides de Marília,
held by the Teaching
Foundation Eurípides Soares
da Rocha, tell us about the
beginning and aims of the
institution. The interview
given to our collaborator
Orson Peter Carrara, is one
of the highlights of the
current edition.
Another spot is the Especial
“Autism – a physician-spirit
view”, outcome of an
interview given to the
journalist Giovana Campos by
the physician José Fernando
de Souza, neuropediatrician,
physician director of the
core Integrated Child
Neurology in Juazeiro do
Norte (CE) and president of
AME Cariri.
Ending his recently trip to
the USA, Divaldo Franco
spoke on March 20th
to 22nd to
spirits in Boston, New York
and Miami, launching in this
last city the Leal
Publisher, editorial
partnership of Mansion of
the Way in North America.
The report is one of the
spots of this edition.
In a day like today – April
10th – it was
born in 1755 in Meissen,
Saxony, Christian Friedrich
Samuel Hahnemann, the
founder of homeopathy. In
1810, Hahnemann published
the first edition of the
famous Organon, which
later became Organon: The
art of Healing.
Hahnemann died in Paris on
June 2nd, 1843.