There was a
young man named
Vincent who
wanted to serve
God. As he had
acquired a lot
of knowledge, he
decided to
assist people in
need of guidance
with their
He was poor but
he tidied up his
small house
cleaning it
well; he
arranged a table
and took it to
the living room
with two chairs,
one for him and
the other for
those who would
attend. Then he
painted a sign
where he said he
was at the
disposal of
those who needed
help, put it in
the front of the
house and left
the door open.
Soon after
another young
man entered. He
needed relief.
He was upset and
did not know
what to do in
life. The helper
heard him
carefully, asked
a few questions,
then guided him
as he judged
more correct.
Joseph stopped
crying and
smiled. Yes! He
needed to change
his life and
devote himself
to more serious
clearing his
mind of negative
things. He said
goodbye as he
hugged him
The same day, a
lady came in
crying a lot.
She had
quarrelled with
her husband and
was thinking of
divorcing him.
After telling
him what had
happened, she
- Don’t you
think I was
right in leaving
my house?
The helper
gently asked if
that really was
the very thing
she wanted, and
the lady
- No. I love my
house, my
children and I
cannot abandon
them. My husband
has always been
good and loving
but I do not
understand what
is happening to
him! ...
- So don’t you
think it would
be a good idea
to give
Talk to
him, ask
going on
and, if
all, he
is the
of your
and you
you? |
The lady smiled
through her
tears as she
wiped her face
feeling grateful
to the young man
for his help,
and said:
- Thank you!
Thank you for
your help. You
gave me back my
life! I would
not be happy
leaving my
husband. After
all, I have two
children who
need their
The lady went
out and our
young friend
again felt
gratified to
have helped two
people in one
day. Satisfied,
he prayed
thanking Jesus
for the people
that had been
sent to him.
A few days
later, in front
of his house
there was a
queue of people
waiting under
the hot sun to
be seen. He
would happily
attend to
everybody. They
were people with
problems, lack
of financial
quarrels with
neighbours or
family members,
people who
needed to take
action and did
not know what to
do, among other
Content, our
helper would
spend all his
time talking to
the people who
looked for him.
His life
continued in the
same way as
before for he
did not have
time for
himself. He
worked so hard
that he could
barely see the
day pass. He did
not eat or rest
enough and not
even at night
the needy would
give him a
Thus, one
morning, the
needy had been
queueing up for
a few hours but
the helper did
not come to open
the door. Tired,
they decided to
knock on the
door but he did
not answer! Then
they broke down
the door and
where surprised
to find him
lying on his
- What happened?
- they
- I think I'm
sick - answered
the young man.
scratched their
head and said:
- He worked so
hard to help us
that ended up
getting sick!…
The others
agreed. He had
gotten sick
for lack
of rest,
said: |
- Yeah! He did
not eat, did not
rest and did not
even have his
own life! From
dawn until late
at night, he was
always working
to help us!...
Someone thought
for a moment and
- You're right.
So what can we
do for him? We
have to help him
as he has helped
- I know! - said
dona1 Mercedes -
Each of us will
be in charge of
Sebastian will
bring him
breakfast; Peter
will bring him
lunch and Joana
dinner, and I
will clean the
house. As for
the others, they
may assist him
by keeping him
applauded dona
solution and
started to work.
So as Vincent
had not eaten
for many hours,
they fixed him
breakfast using
what each one
had in their
houses and then
had brought over
for the sick
young man.
The desire to
help the one who
had helped them
so much in their
caused them to
change their
attitude. Now it
was them who
helped the young
man and they did
not even know
his name. When
someone asked,
he answered
- My name is
That name
sounded so
strange at that
time because
they had only
called him
Helper. Filled
with shame, they
realised how
much the young
man had done for
them and they
did not even had
known his name.
Vincent had his
house always
full of friends.
Those he had
helped now
assisted him
too, taking
turns to keep
him company, to
restock his
pantry that was
empty, give him
food, wash and
iron his
clothes, or just
talk to him as
he was great
Before long,
they had become
such good
friends that
they were always
at Vincent's
house. It was a
pleasure to see
him and talk to
him, because he
always had a
helping word for
each one.
One day, they
wanted to know
the reason why
he was like
that: always
willing to help
those who sought
him, and Vincent
explained to
them that he was
a Spiritist and
invited them:
- Who wants to
do the study of
the Gospel at
Home with me?
They accepted
the invitation
with pleasure
because they had
confidence in
their friend
Vincent. And
from that day on
every week they
gathered at his
house to do the
Gospel at Home.
1 In Brazilian
society, Dona is
a term of
respect that is
used with the
woman’s first
by Celia X. de
Camargo on