A chat with the singer Leya
Fernandes Reis
“Damascus’ Path” is the
title of our editorial which
reminds us that all of us
get a call, being spirit or
not, such as it happened
with the singer Leya
Fernandes Reis, our
interviewed of this week.
In the interview which is
one of the highlights of the
current edition, Leya
Fernandes Reis tells us how
she became spirit and how it
is her work of spreading the
spirit doctrine through
music. Settles in São José
dos Campos (SP), Leya
participates as a volunteer
in the Spirit Center Love
and Charity in her city.
Another spot of this edition
is the Especial called “The
pinnacle kids before
palingenesis”, authored by
Jorge Hessen, from Brasília
(DF). In the article, the
confrere describes the
considerations about the
cases of early geniality and
its causes according spirit
By the initiative of USE SP,
the Project “Tolls of
Knowledge” promoted in São
Paulo one workshop about
Spirit Philosophy which was
coordinated by the spirit
scholar Paulo Castanheira.
Martha Rios Guimarães tells
us how it was in an especial
report which is also one of
the spots of this week.
In a day like today,
November 6, it was born in
the year of 1835 in Verona,
Italy, César Lombroso, one
great figure in psychiatrist
and Italian science that
according to a friends’
invitation, Ercole Chiaia,
he had participated in
sessions with the Italian
medium Eusápia Paladino and
from that he had become
spirit. Lombroso is author
of the classic Hypnotism
and Mediumship published
in Brazil by the publisher