
por Orson Peter Carrara

To be coherent has become a conscious duty

The thought above is from our fellow Spiritist and today’s guest, Marco Antonio Figueiredo Milani Filho, better known as Marco Milani(photo).

Milani was born in the Brazilian city of São Paulo and lives not far away, in Holambra. He became a Spiritist in 1988. He is an economist, university lecturer and an active member of the Union of Spiritist Societies of the State of São Paulo.

In this interview, he focuses on the issue of coherence within Spiritism.

What is your assessment of the expression “theoretical coherence” within the context of Spiritism?

The word coherence comes from Latin and means connection of cohesion. In its wider sense, it bears the idea of uniformity and reason within a group of ideas. Someone who is coherent is able to express his or her thoughts in a logical manner, enabling others to understand clearly and without contradictions that person’s speech or attitudes. So, people who follow any school of thought should express with consistence the principles and values of the system they have embraced. The same applies to Spiritism. A Spiritist understands, respects and puts into practice through his or her examples the Teachings of the Spirits as in the works of Allan Kardec.

When are we able to be truly coherent with the principles of Spiritism?

We cannot obviously expect the same level of maturity, understanding and experience regarding the principles of Spiritism from all followers. But coherence is present when someone who follows Spiritism puts into practice its principles according to his or her levels of understanding. From those who take on leadership and management responsibilities in the Spiritist Movement, however, it is expected at least the capacity to guide and direct those who attend the events and meetings with a reasonable degree of assertiveness and theoretical knowledge.

Please give us some examples of behaviour or practices that are not coerent with the true principles of Spiritism.

All ideas or practices that clash with the Teachings of Spiritism, which have been tested against the principles of universality and have been described by Allan Kardec, can be considered to be incoherent. Among them are: chromotherapy, apometry, rituals within Spiritist Centres, idolatry of mediums and speakers, dismissing science as a crucial element in the progress of Spiritist knowledge and a church-like posture that encourages blind faith. These are some of many examples.

What is the fundamental aspect of theoretical coherence within Spiritism?

We must study the works of Allan Kardec constantly so we can put them into practice very quickly. That does not in any way mean freezing the development of the theory within Spiritism. It is, instead, an essential requirement to understand the theoretical body of Spiritism and validate any thoughts or considerations about its basic principles. As the Spirit of Truth told us in his message that is in the Chapter 6 of The Gospel According to Spiritism, we must consider carefully all the things that are put before us in order to avoid mixing up utopias and fantasies with the truth. We can read anything, but we must have the theoretical background to compare it with the Teachings in the works of Kardec.

As Spiritist citizens, who study the works and take part in Spiritist activities, what guidelines should we use in order to remain coherent with the Teachings?

We must be committed with serious and consistent studying of the principles and values of Spiritism, putting those ideas into practice in family, with friends, at work and in every social interaction we have.

Is there a specific item in the principles of Spiritism that can guide our studies?

Yes, reasoned faith. We have spent many incarnations subjugated by doctrines and philosophies that imposed their principles on us. They were aimed at shaping individuals and ended up violating their consciences. Spiritism is an emancipating doctrine, which comes from a time when humankind was already mature enough to break with those coercive habits and costumes of the past. It has freed individuals from the shackles of ignorance about the world they live in. When people take on full responsibility for their destiny, the consequences of their acts will be in accordance with this new situation. To be coherent has become a conscious duty.   

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Modern technologies enable intense social interactions on social media, facilitating the dissemination of Spiritist information. The stronger the background and the theoretical knowledge we have, the easier it will be to remain coherent in our messages in those new virtual media. The easier will be to have a positive impact and the more difficult it will be to make mistakes and express wrong ideas and thoughts. Let’s be coherent! To be coherent does not mean you are not allowed to disagree with the Spirits or question what they say. Theoretical coherence in Spiritism is, essentially, a commitment with the truth based on reason and facts.




Leonardo Rocha -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita