Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 723 - May 30, 2021

Reasons for the admission of the veracity of the book Paulo e Estêvão


It is published today the third and last part of the article written by professor André Ricardo de Souza, doctor of sociology at the University of São Paulo and professor at the Federal University of São Carlos, about the work Paulo e Estêvão, by Emmanuel, which the medium Chico Xavier psychographed. In it, the author, among other considerations, sets out his conclusions and the ultimate reasons why it is possible for us to recognize the veracity of the story reported in the aforementioned work. The article is one of the highlights of this edition.

Another highlight of the week is the interview that Patrícia Jaza de Freitas gave to Orson Peter Carrara, from the editorial team of this magazine. She was born in Belo Horizonte (MG), she resides in Bridgeport, Connecticut - USA, where she participates in the Spiritist Society Renascer (SER), in which she coordinates the studies carried out at the institution. In the interview, she tells us about her experience in the spiritist movement in the land of Uncle Sam, where she has lived for over twenty years.

On Friday, May 28, the e-book Trocando ideias has been published, written by Ricardo Orestes Forni, from São José do Rio Preto, he lives in Tupã (SP). He is a ariter of the magazine O Consolador (The Comforter), he is also a doctor and author of 29 books on spiritist themes, having also participated in three more works on the same theme. The book now published by EVOC - Editora Virtual O Consolador can be read or downloaded for free, as all publisher publications.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita