One day the
Earth will die, because
nothing resists the action
of time
Since the beginning of
civilization, human beings
have observed that nothing
in this world is permanent,
nothing is eternal,
everything has an end:
plants, living beings and
all human constructions.
With these observations, our
collaborator Eurípedes Kühl
begins the article entitled
“The end of the world”, one
of the highlights of this
issue. Folded into two
parts, the conclusion of the
Special will be published in
the next issue of this
Another highlight is the
interview given to us by our
confrere Marcos Domingos
Ferreira Mendes, from
Argirita, who now lives in
the city of Juiz de Fora
(MG). Connected to the
Spiritist House D. Pedro II,
in which he works more
directly in the mediumistic
area, he tells us in the
interview about the
dissemination work being
carried out on YouTube by
the Portal do Consolador
channel, in which he
participates with several
It was published on
Wednesday, March 30th, by
EVOC – Virtual Publisher of
The Comforter, the e-book Are
Mediums Only Those Who Feel
the Influence of Spirits?,
written by the spiritualist
scholar Paulo Neto, one of
the contributors to this
journal and member of the
team that runs the
publishing house.
Downloading the e-book, as
with all EVOC publications,
is free.