Spiritism For Kids

By Marcela Prada


Theme: Friendship and companionship

Cousin Taís

Julius lived in a spacious and comfortable house. He had lots of toys and loved to play with them. He didn't have siblings, but his cousin Taís lived on the same street and practically every day she went to his house.

Taís was quite used to going to Julius' house. They watched television together, played with Rex, played games, and invented games. But the game didn't always work out.

Julius was very demanding; he didn't like to lend his things to Taís. When he lent it, he was too controlling, he barely let her move. He often complained about her and even asked her to go to her house.

Taís was upset. She said she wouldn't come there anymore. But she was very fond of her cousin and after a few days she would show up again.

One afternoon, when Julius was playing on the computer, Taís invited him:

- Shall we play outside? I'm tired of staying in here. Let's do something?

- No, I don't want to leave. I'm already doing something!

Taís insisted a little, but then gave up. Julius continued playing, distracted. Until, hearing a noise coming from outside, he looked out the window and saw Taís rollerblading down the street. Julius got very angry and ran there:

- Taís! You can take off my blades right now! I didn't lend them to you!

- Oh! Julius, let me roller. I took them because if I asked you wouldn't lend them to me, but you don't even wear them.

- It doesn´t matter! Take them off!

Taís had to take them off, but she was very sad and left for her house.

The next day Taís didn't show up and neither did the next day. A week went by and Julius started to miss his cousin.

Every day he waited for her. When he heard some different noise, he would run thinking she had arrived.

Until one day, almost crying, Julius decided to talk to his mother.

- Mom, I think Taís doesn't come here anymore because I fought with her when she wore my rollerblades. I don't think she likes me anymore!

- Julius, Taís likes you a lot, yes. You are like siblings. She must have been upset about the fight, of course, but she hasn't been coming here because her family has traveled. They went on that trip they were planning for a while, to spend the holidays with her grandmother.

Taís' grandmother lives in a city far away. She only went there once in a while, so she stayed there for many days.

For Julius, the vacation took forever. He missed her a lot. He thought of Taís every time he went to watch a movie, or ate food that she liked, or played with a toy that she liked.

The vacations were long, but Julius had plenty of time to understand how important Taís was to him.

Most of the time it's like that, people only give value what they have when they run out.

When Taís came back and they were reunited, it was that joy. They hugged really tight. Taís wanted to tell him everything about her grandmother's house. Julius also had many things to tell, about the new movie he had watched, the phases of the game he had passed and the goals he had scored in the soccer game.

Soon they were playing again and everything was back to normal. But now Julius was not so teasing. He even liked to share his toys with Taís and have fun with her. Their friendship grew even stronger and stayed that way for a lifetime.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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