Among the highlights of this
issue, we invite you to read
the interview that our
collaborator Claudia
Schmidt, from Santo Angelo
(RS), delivered to our
collaborator and Editor
Antonio Augusto Nascimento,
in which she talks about her
introduction to Spiritism
and her work in children’s
evangelization area.
Spiritist for 15 years and
member of the Spiritist
Group Seara do Mestre, in
the city where she lives,
Claudia understand that
“Evangelize is like planting
seeds of love and peace in
children’s hearts” and there
lies the main reason of her
dedication to such a task,
because from her words comes
the idea that evangelization
will help us out,
effectively, to build a
better world.
Another highlight of this
issue is the special story
“Happiness and Depression”,
by the confrere Abel Sidney,
from Porto Velho, Rondônia.
In the article, the confrere
talks about the idea that we
should live the actual
moment is also explained,
clearly, by the Spirits,
which invite us to make the
most of every day, as if it
were the last of our
The International Medical-Spiritist
Association has been
positively marking its
presence in foreign soil, as
it is shown in a special
story which makes up one of
the highlights of the
current issue. In the USA as
well as in Europe, the topic
Medicine and Spirituality
was under scrutiny last
month, thanks to the effort
and participation of its
main director, the dynamic
confrere Marlene Nobre.
We start in this issue the
methodical study of the
The Soul is Immortal,
by Gabriel Delanne, whose
consolidated text will be
presented here in 27 parts,
based on the translation by
Guillon Ribeiro and
published by FEB.
The text of the Systematized
Study of the Spiritist
(ESDE) concerning the issue
number 3 of this magazine
has also been, just like the
previous ones, translated to
Spanish, thanks to the help
of our partner Isabel Porras
Gonzales, from Spain, to
whom we’ll keep thanking
forever and ever.