In the interview
Divaldo Franco has conceded
to Ana Maria Braga last
18th, the notable medium’s
joviality caught her
attention. Divaldo said that
the secret of his youth
relies on his happiness to
live, adding that the
Spiritism has clarified all
questions regarding the
psychological aims and
purposes of our existence on
Earth, subject examined in
this week editorial,
entitled “A reason to live
with happiness”.
In the present edition, one
of the headlines is the
interview Flávio Mussa
Tavares, son of the
heartfelt confrere and
writer Clóvis Tavares, has
conceded to our collaborator
and editor Orson Peter
Carrara. During the
interview, Flávio talks
about his father’s life and
work, author of important
Spiritist works, such as
“From Jesus to those who
suffer” and “Stories told by
Another headline is the
special article entitled
“There’s no disobsession if
it’s not based on renovation“
in which the confrere Jorge
Hessen, member of this
magazine’s Editorial Council,
focus on the theme
disobsession and its
treatment. According to
Spiritism, says the confrere,
the sufferer’s renovation is
essential for the work
During the Brazilian
carnival, the 15th CONMEL
took place in Londrina city.
This traditional event
reunites the Spiritist youth
of that city and surrounded
regions as shown in the
article by Fernanda Borges,
one of this edition’s
With this edition, we start
the methodic study of Revue
Spirite de 1863, which will
be covered in 16 modules,
based on the translation by
Júlio Abreu Filho, released
Since last edition, this
magazine has presented its
home page with a new design,
aesthetically improved and
more intuitive making
navigation through the
articles easier.