Many people have not
realized yet that, according
to Kardec, Spiritism does
not turn towards those who
have a specific religious
faith, but to a vast
category of doubting and
unbelieving individuals,
subject covered in this
week’s editorial, entitled
“The Spiritist teachings and
their target”.
The phrase “The youth wants
action and emotion”, which
originated the title above,
was said by the confrere
Maurício Moura, from Bauru
(SP), in the interview that
he conceded to our
collaborator and editor
Wellington Balbo, in which
the interviewee talks about
his experience in the field
of Spiritist education for
children and about the
Girassol Project, supported
by the Spiritist Center Amor
e Caridade, where he is the
The interview is one the
healines in this edition.
Another headline of this
number is the conclusion of
the rehearsal about the
roots of the doctrinal
incoherencies, written by
our confrere and
collaborator Rogério Coelho,
from Muriaé (MG).
On 30th November 2008, the
Spiritist Medical
Association of Pernambuco
State was born in Jaboatão
dos Guararapes, as shown in
the report written by our
collaborator Leonardo
Machado, which also is one
of the headlines.
Next Friday 22nd May, two
important dates are
celebrated in the
International Spiritist
Scene. In this day in 1859
Arthur Conan Doyle, the
Sherlock Holmes creator, was
born. He also became a
talented Spiritist speaker
and writer, being the author
of the book “History of
Six years later, in 1865,
the French poet and
romancist Victor Hugo
disincarnated in the same
day and month.
He was adept of Spiritism in
his Earthly life and keeps,
in the spiritual plane,
writing admirable works,
having the Spiritist
teachings as a background.