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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 107 – May 17, 2009

CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


A lesson from slavery


Once upon a time, we had slavery at Brazil. At that time, an old man with hair as white as snow flakes, lived in a big and beautiful farm building. His name was Sebastian.

The owner of the land was bad and overbearing. He would castigate the slaves for no reason. If his orders were not obeyed, or if the slave tried to escape, they would stay without food or drink for many days.

For this reason, the slaves were rebellious and didn’t like their boss. Therefore, Sebastian was different from the others. He

had a good and generous heart. He was always happy with life and trying to help others.

The farmer’s daughter was a gentle and sweet girl. She had empathy A filhinha do fazendeiro, menina meiga e gentil, se afeiçoara ao velho Bastião for Sebastian and enjoyed his company. They would spend a lot of time together, when he would tell her lots of stories.

One day, one of the slaves tried to escape. He couldn’t bear to be castigated anymore. He was found by the foreman, imprisoned and chained. The son of this slave was only five years old. He saw his dad chained, came close to him and cried, whilst grabbing his legs.

The farmer got irritated by the screams of this child. He decided to send him to the bushes so he couldn’t hear the child cry anymore. The farmer didn’t realise his daughter decided to go after the child, to give him company. She was feeling sadness for this family.

Her father was not seeing his daughter around. She was the light of his life. When he asked around where she was, he was told she went after the child. The farmer got frightened and asked his men to go after her. Nevertheless, Sebastian realised what was going on, and went after the children.

When the farmer and his men found them, they realised what happened. They saw a poisonous snake dead on the floor, the children hugging eacher other, but hidden behind the stem of a tree. They seemed really scared. Sebastian killed the snake, but was bitten by her.

The owner of the land didn’t know how to express his  gratitude.  It  was  evident  the slave saved the

children’s life with his own. He hugged his daughter, who was very frightened. The patron asked for the first time with kindness:

— Sebastian, what do you wish for? Your bravery saved my daughter’s life. What can I do for you? Whatever you ask me for, it will be done.

The old slave, whose body was being consumed by the poison, asked with tears in his eyes:

— I didn’t only save your daughter, sir. I also saved the life of a small slave, since every life comes from God and is equally important. Since you allow me a wish, I would ask you to treat every creature as a human being. We should not have any distinctions since we are all sons from the same Celestial Father.

The patron looked at Sebastian quite surprised. He never judged possible for a slave to have such a level of knowledge. Sebastian said:

— This I have learned with Jesus Christ.

He realised these words were a great lesson for him. The slave could have tried to revenge and kill his daughter. Sebastian chose to do the opposite. The patron felt ashamed and said:

— It’s true. You are right, Sebastian. From now onwards, I promise you all slaves will be well treated, with all respect human beings deserve.

The farmer gave better life condition to the slaves from that day on. He gave them good living conditions, improving their houses and food supply. With this improvement, he realised it was not necessary to castigate anyone. The slaves started to like him and also the work at the farm. They were trying to do everything with a smile on their faces.

Some years later, the abolition of slavery grew massively in Brazil. This farmer was one of the first ones to free his slaves. He offered them a job and they would then get a monthly salary.

The farmer never forgot about the old slave Bastian. His simplicity and love modified his life for ever; not only his life, but also the lives of those around the farm.

                                                                 Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism