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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Portuguese  Spanish
Program V: Scientific Aspect  

Year 3 - N° 115 - July 12, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Cristiane Parmiter - crisparmiter@gmail.com


Psychological  adaptation
to Mediumship

We present in this issue the topic #115 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. What is the exact meaning of this phrase: “the mind remains the base of all mediumship’s phenomena?

2. Spiritism teaches us that all living beings breath in the same dynamic psychic environment that is normal to them. This psychic environment depends or not on the nervous system of the human being?

3. Do you agree with this line of thought: “Mediumship is not enough on its own; it’s important to know which type of psychic environment we synchronise with, to know the quality of our work and the direction it is going to”?

4. It shouldn’t be expected from the beginner in mediumship a very strong faith, high capacity to console, clarify, to love and to serve. To demand this would be unreasonable. What should be reasonable to expect from the beginner in mediumship then?

5. Why would spiritualists people need to have in their meetings maximum of respect for their beliefs, avoiding futility, gossip and materialism?


The mind remains the base of all mediumship’s phenomena  

1. We learnt in the book “ Nos Dominios da Mediunidade”, by Andre Luiz, that the mind is always the base of any mediumship phenomena which clearly defines the important part of it in this process. It’s through the mind that the values learnt by the spirit are shown such as experiences, virtues, knowledge, difficulties, lived dramas, affections, sorrow, generosity, revenge, happiness, sadness, love and hate. These characteristics manifest themselves through the mind of the individual which defines the level of evolution and vibe that the spirit is in.  

2. The spiritual guides tell us that we can use our own energy from our thoughts which sets around us the vibe that we synchronise with.  

3. We form a vast group of intelligences synchronise with the same vibe and perception of things which is mankind. Depending on people around us, we act and react to each other though the mental energy that we always renew. 

4. The part that the mind plays in mediumship is very important for the psychological adaptation of the medium to these activities as he/she is not alone. The medium is accompanied by incarnated and disincarnated minds and should make the effort to synchronise with a good quality type of thoughts and feelings to be able to transform mediumship into an useful activity. Useful activity for the medium himself/herself as well as useful to people in general in order to inform, console and support them.  

It’s vital for the medium to know which thoughts and vibes he/she assimilates  

5. It’s not difficult to understand that living beings assimilate the vibe which they live in. This vibe doesn’t depend on the nervous system as it comes from the mind of the individual. This vibe controls all the organic functions itself. In any kind of mediumship, the mind of the individual is exposed to the thoughts he/she cultivates. The mind who is trying to communicate through the medium is subjected to the thoughts and interpretations of the medium’s mind itself.  

6. Because the mind is the base of mediumship’s phenomena, in whatever way it is expressed, it’s necessary to enrich thoughts in good moral and culture. This is the only way to assimilate the good vibe that comes to us from the superior spirits. Mediumship is not effective on its own. It’s important to know which type of thoughts we tune in to be able to know the quality of our work and know where we are going with it.  

7. Certainly it’s not expected from the beginner in mediumship a very strong faith, a high capacity to console, inform, love and serve people. It would be unreasonable to expect it from the medium who is just starting to learn about mediumship. It’s reasonable, however, to expect that he/she is eager to learn, that he/she is looking forward to improve themselves and that he/she has the intention to serve and help people in general.  

8. Everything mentioned above is basic for  the superior spiritual guides to see that the medium is serious about mediumship and for them to have good reasons to want to participate of communications of any kind.    

In mediumship, discipline and perseverance are also essential  

9. The difficulties that the medium finds in the beginning are the ones to do with having contact with inferior spirits. That’s why mediums should be careful to not allow bad spirits to take control of their work because once it happens is very hard to disconnect themselves from these spirits.  

10. The first condition to not allow bad spirits to take control of their work is praying for the protection of God and their guardian angels. The second condition is take maximum care to recognise which level of evolution the spirits who communicate through the medium are in.  

11. The beginners in mediumship should understand that in mediumship there isn’t tangible knowledge where there isn’t experience and that are noble all the achievements that came from charity. The good fluids and good vibe spread in the religious centre by the superior spirits should be maintained as they are essential. That’s why the superior spirits recommend that we have maximum respect for the medium’s meetings and that we avoid allowing superficialities, inconsequence, gossip and materialism to be part of them. These are flaws of the human character and its magnetism attracts bad and hostile spirits who interfere in the medium’s work negatively.    

12. We should understand that in any activity, we don’t get good results unless we work hard with discipline and perseverance. We will need to really dedicate ourselves to the spiritual matters including mediumship, to achieve a real knowledge of it together with humility. 

Answer Key

1. What is the exact meaning of this phrase: “the mind remains the base of all mediumship’s phenomena?   

It’s through the mind that the values learnt by the spirit are shown such as experiences, virtues, knowledge, difficulties, lived dramas, affections, sorrow, generosity, revenge, happiness, sadness, love and hate. These characteristics manifest themselves through the mind of the individual which defines the level of evolution and vibe that the spirit is in. 

2. Spiritism teaches us that all living beings breath in the same dynamic psychic environment that is normal to them. This psychic environment depends or not on the nervous system of the human being?  

It’s not difficult to understand that living beings assimilate the vibe which they live in. This vibe doesn’t depend on the nervous system as it comes from the mind of the individual. 

3. Do you agree with this line of thought: “Mediumship is not enough on its own; it’s important to know which type of psychic environment we synchronise with, to know the quality of our work and the direction it is going to”?  

Yes, because the way that mediumship is practiced is what matters.  

4. It shouldn’t be expected from the beginner in mediumship a very strong faith, high capacity to console, clarify, to love and to serve. To demand this would be unreasonable. What should be reasonable to expect from the beginner in mediumship then?  

It would be unreasonable to expect it from the medium who is just starting to learn about mediumship. It’s reasonable, however, to expect that he/she is eager to learn, that he/she is looking forward to improve themselves and that he/she has the intention to serve and help people in general.  

5. Why would spiritualists people need to have in their meetings maximum of respect for their beliefs, avoiding futility, gossip and materialism?  

The good fluids and good vibe spread in the religious centre by the superior spirits should be maintained as they are essential. That’s why the superior spirits recommend that we have maximum respect for the medium’s meetings and that we avoid allowing superficialities, inconsequence, gossip and materialism to be part of them. These are flaws of the human character and its magnetism attracts bad and hostile spirits who interfere in the medium’s work negatively.    



The Medium’s Book by Allan Kardec, items 209 and 211.

Dramas da Obsessão, by Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit), psychographed by Yvonne A. Pereira, pages 145 e 146.

Nos Domínios da Mediunidade, by André Luiz, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, pages 15 a 20.

Estude e Viva, by Emmanuel and André Luiz, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier and Waldo Vieira, pages 210 e 211.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism