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Year 3 - N° 115 – July 12, 2009

Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brasil)
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com



Analysis of the book “Legion  - A look at the Kingdom of Shadows”,
psychographic by the medium Robson Pinheiro 

Review of the book: Legion - A look at the Kingdom of Shadows
Spiritual Author:
Ângelo Inácio (Spirit)
Embodied Author:
Robson Pinheiro (medium)
Novel that constitutes the volume 1 of the trilogy The Kingdom of Shadows. Under the direction of the spirit Father John - the same old-father of Aruanda, previous novel of the spirit Ângelo Inácio, the book aims to lead the reader to a journey through extra physic landscape, which certainly will show one thousand and one surprising aspects.


We  begin  the  analysis  of  this  novel,  oddly,  by

Postscript, where we can read that Francisco Cândido Xavier would be the vehicle of a message from the High, recommending to the medium to found a publisher for dissemination of his mediumistic work. Another strange declaration is that Robson Pinheiro, the medium, would have been saved from imminent disembodied so he could produce books, whose publication would be the cornerstone of the publisher and its employees - as Editor’s words – which constituted, undoubtedly, something unusual in the spiritist practice, which, judging by the practice until now, it would put the cart ahead of the horse.

"... The Publisher - founded by him under the guidance of immortals, firstly given by Francisco Cândido Xavier’s quill pen - was opened, primarily for publication of books received through his own psychographic. If he would disembody soon, what would the companions do - 11 employees and myself, editor – in front of the harsh challenge of maintaining a publishing house in operation with just over 20 titles in catalogue? Do the spirits would betray for the first time, his trust, he thought, handing in his hands a great source that generates distress or unease, when crossing to the other side of life? "(471/472)

By the Editor's own words, it appears that the prime objective was not to disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine, but the maintenance of a publisher.

This book seems to have the purpose of frighten people that knowing little or nothing of works of Allan Kardec, Chico Xavier, Yvonne, Divaldo Pereira Franco and Jose Raul, accept certain "revelations".

In the book "Liberation", Andre Luiz, in 60 pages, describes how spirits turned to evil work, how they organize themselves in a dark region, without detailed explanations on power of Evil, through intimidated descriptions, capable of causing creation of negative mental frames in readers. The book "Legion" has over 450 pages of morbid descriptions and even novelistic.

In the book "Liberation," the benefactor Gúbio dose wisely the revelations, intersperse them with positive lessons.

In this novel that we are analysing there is a distancing of the Gospel. There is a clear intention to introduce, in the spiritist environment, figures such as Father John Aruanda, John COBU (sic), intending to familiarise the spiritists with practices and terminology that are clearly from “umbanda”.

In the work of André Luiz and other benefactors who continued the work of revelation of spiritual world and its activities in the Terrestrial Crust, the benefactors do not use exotic or strange names, common in “Umbanda”, as Father John of Aruanda, Exú, quimbanda, bombonjira, dove-spins, canguá, Caboclo Pena Branca, Tata, Mandinga, aumbandã, quiumbas, canzuá, cave, skulls, furans lands, Ondina, salamanders...

We know that there are many disembodied spirits that, although seek the good, they it do by own methods and independently, and join the lines of work where umbanda practice are experienced, Occultists, Orientals and others.

Similarly, and even that they seek for the work of Good, several spiritual communities are not organized under the aegis of Jesus, where principles of obedience are observed, discipline and strict observance of ethical values contained in the Gospel, in actions practiced in the most perfect line with the Doctrine that had been revealed by Allan Kardec.

In the book "The Path of Light" (cap. 12), Emmanuel makes an interesting revelation about the diversity of schools of thought in the spiritual world: " The closest spheres to Earth, which by force of circumstances are closer to the controversy of men than to the honest learning of scholars and detachment spirits of the globe, reflect the contradictory opinions of mankind, about the Savior of all creatures. "

Anyone who has studied - and not just read - the novels of André Luiz has a clear vision of the spiritual world, without the damage arising of the use of negative frames and introduction of strange nomenclature and magical practices.

Consider the presentation of a spirit that would have the status of supervisor:

"- Look, Angelo, my son, working as a old-father is not something as simple as that. It is not enough to have accumulated experience as a slave or know some witchcraft and then manifest you around, making blessing. Our work is much broader, and our preparation, more complex. In order to perform well the functions that we embrace, we must specialize ourselves in different areas of occultist knowledge. We must know the details of the geography of stars. (112)

In "Workers of Eternal Life," by Andre Luiz (231/232), it is known that the spiritual Benefactors before funeral, dissipate, the energy remaining in the bodies of people who respected their bodies, in order to preserve them from desecration, carried out by spirits vampires.

In the novel under review you will read as follows: "Do not give attention to these beings. They are vampires, who try to overcome resistance from guards to steal the survivor energy (sic) from the ether bodies in dissolution. " (117)

Do these "bodies ethereality" conserve energy? And if they were in dissolution, why would be necessary guards to protect them? How many guards would be needed to take care of the corpses in decomposition, until the process reaches the end? Andre Luiz, in the cited novel says, that Dimas, the newly disembodied, was next to the Benefactor as he eliminated energy of the body. Father John says that they were taking care of the “ethereality body” to avoid their energy to be stolen ... Which body that would be? Where can we base such affirmative on Kardec?

"- The manager, unprepared, not knowing the symbolism used in the astral, concluded that “Exú” skull is the representation of evil. Through a hypnotic induction and a miserable association of ideas, some mediums, from that time, leave their animist part speak louder and report incredible things about the guardians. The spirit that should be rescued is released, as he was a sufferer, and the guardian or Exú receives indoctrination, such as the lines used in large scale in spiritist centres. After the meeting, the obsessor was released, like a needed spirit, free to return to his activities, and the guardian, who is partner of activities of good, is confused with evil spirits. "(129)

There is a clear accusation that the mediumistic spiritual meetings are not able to identify Exus. Then Exú would have brought a spirit arrested by him, and the spiritists would release the prisoner, retaining Exú that would receive indoctrination. We can then ask: What power would have Exú, who cannot escape of the power of a medium? And what does it mean, "the Spirit that should be rescue is released, as he was a sufferer? Accuses spiritist centres to release persecutors and retain "guides." And what does he means by "Spirit that should be rescued? Rescued by whom?

- "Spiritism? - The chief of the skulls laughed loudly - Excuse me the way of express myself, but I feel sorry for you. The spiritists seem to have created a movement so full of prejudices that are hardly interested in anything about us, not tacking us as obssesors and accuse medium of anti indoctrination, as is your habit. "(133)

The attack to Spiritism continues...

"Within moments we heard screams and moans, it was something so appalling that seemed to come from a legendary soul stuck in the hell created by Christians." (134)

The real Christians do not create Hell, but theologians.

"- Contrary to what many mediums express, in their animism confused with mediumship, this spirits do not behave the way they are portrayed by misunderstanding. To our disappointment, many sensitive, who dishonour the real work of these guardians, represent them, at the time of incorporation, using bad words, grotesque and evil attitudes, neglecting the unique opportunity to battle for the balance of feeling and emotions, techniques that they dominate as anyone in the inferior astral. "(141)

This frivolous and unfortunate complaint, where the author tries to allocate to spiritists mediums the use of bad words and bad attitudes, when incorporating the so-called pombajiras or bombojiras. In the spiritual world revealed in the spiritists novels there is not such discrimination, including the nomenclature, between male and female workers. This is a practice of umbanda, which the author attempts to characterize as the Spiritism.

"Thus, if the sorcerer of astral has a more intense hypnotic suggestive mental power, he can also manipulate certain viruses and bacteria grown in swamps and ponds of the threshold, which ordinarily are only found in inferior regions, in order to transfer them to the physical body of theirs targets. They use the cavernicola as transmitters or vectors of ethers microorganisms, many of which are completely unknown to man. Due to intense and constant contact that they promote with the energetic field of bewitched, the transfer takes place, the jump to material field.  Being viruses, bacteria or microbial communities typical from the inferior astral world, the fact is that they materialize by interference of inferior witchcraft, causing various diseases that are hardly diagnosed by medical world. "(154/155)

In another excerpt of the novel the author intends to create negative frames in the mind of the reader. By any chance viruses and bacteria would be responsible for negative attitudes of those that are infected? If it was like that, there should also vaccines against these “viruses and bacteria”. Until now, we know that the vaccine against evil is the practice of the virtues taught by Jesus.

It's always the emphasis on evil. Moreover, what does mean "low witchcraft"? There will be a "high one"?

"- Meanwhile, the old-black added elements and agents of nature, evoking the salamanders and Ondina - elements respectively connected to fire and water - which, in due course, would serve to the purposes of the work." (163)

Here as well, the use of words of the witchery environment, of occultism, without a practical or edifying objective. This is novelty only for people uniformed of Spiritism, or lovers of fiction.

"The rule showed in the spiritsit environment is that the ethereality double has a life closely linked to the existence of the physical body. When the body dies, the double survives for a maximum period of 40 days, moment when it is decomposed and its energy is dispersed in atmosphere. Otherwise it would be fatally taken by spirits vampires by gloomy dark entities” (243)

We can ask, in which book is this rule is recorded? They are false and very coarse statements, that almost do not deserve comment, but the question arises: if the " ethereality body " will be decomposed, why bother with it? Moreover, when the author says that "would inevitably be taken by spirits vampires " is referring to someone who has life itself and that is living...

Andre Luiz, in his book "In the fields of mediumship", cap. 11, reports that during unfolding of the medium, he moves away from his body carrying a lot of energy: "certain bands of force, which printed manifest irregularity to perispirit" which Clarêncio made it return to the physical body of the sensory. It is very different from this " ethereality body " reported in "Legion", which seems to have its own life and could be taken by spirits vampires.

"After some time preparing the action of release, the guardians of the night focused their energies on the point of field of force. We saw how the energy field first swelled, as a bubble, under the influence of superior emissions, and then it burst, in a devastating smash. The energy released was only contained because of the power of guardians and experts under the command of Jamar. "(245/246)

The passage above refers to the destruction of a field of force that would have been prepared by disembodied scientists, turned to evil. This field would hold the energies of the   " ethereality double " which should be released. Then, he says "they should protect the double of fluidic atmosphere of the environment, which would be more exposed, fearing that they could contaminate the vital bodies packed there (sic) and they could poison the energy reserves, causing direct effect on the physical bodies that were associated to them. (245)

It can be seen that the author wants to say again that the ethereality bodies were separated from the vital bodies and those separated from physical bodies. Therefore would they be embodied spirits, freed for a few hours form sleep? In the book of André Luiz, no reports of this separation: energy body in one side and a vital body in other side. In all cases of unfolding, there are always references to the spiritual body, or perispirit. In this book, it is clear that the purpose of confusing and frighten, so they can this way, dominate incautious people.

"Gradually, the master of the shadows wants to replace the memory and knowledge of his teachings of the Lamb by pseudo knowledge and misrepresentations, such implantation will be done in the spiritual brain of astral bodies of his victims. His aim is to confuse and, in the limit, terminate the image of Jesus of Nazareth, the historical character, which would be lost in the midst of many fallacies, one after another.

The theory concerning the modification of memory and the implantation of new concepts and data in the mind of individual also exists, but is dependent on how they consolidate that kind of criminal action because of the obvious ethical dilemma. "(266 / 267)

What does the author means by  " obvious ethical dilemma”? For who is the Dilemma?

This sets a new methodology of action of these beings of darkness, a more sophisticated form of obsession that defies the modern disciples of the Lamb to update them too. The darkness has long been working with new rules and tactics to accomplish their projects between embodied human, and what about the defenders of the good? (266/267)

Talking with another spirit, the author sees an animal that seemed to be a huge black dragon...

"Both looked at the being, that directed its eyes to them when turning its head, showing the curved beak, suspicious. The animal of astral ambient had a span of about 8 meters. Long and naked Neck, black and wrinkled skin, that would do the role of feather that it lacked, with fins of large proportions. Everything indicated that the bizarre being was left behind in a hasty escape. It was devitalised.

- These beings are used by the shadows as a means of transport. Perhaps we should help this creature of the profound to restore itself- Jamar said.

A prehistoric bird, then freed itself from the pond umbralino, tested a beating of wings and then broke the dense clouds, as if it was the easiest thing in the world, hovering in a reasonable altitude.

-These prehistoric animals - informed Jamar - play the role of vehicles for which the shadows do their air patrols. Possibly it had been shot during a possible fight.

Its picture reminds fossils of the early evolution of the earth. It is very crude and rough, as if it had been a direct archaeological expedition. For how long they have been there?

- I do not really know Raul, but the interesting thing is how they stay alive. They are mental creations of magicians, who, through their mental strength, sustain such images: that is the secret of they lasting for centuries and millennia in the astral recondite. As the master of evil does not have the capacity to develop superior forms, and still have in these animals the association with their distant past, we contemplate here the live fruit of his consistent and persistent thought. (284/286)

They are mental creations or the called artificial elements, which survived the event of magic. They seek to remain alive feeding themselves from astral matter and mental soot found in this sinister office.

Small mental forms corresponding to lizards came and went, running without direction, next to what remains of buildings. "(288)

Do these wizards have the power to create beings with life themselves, which, as we have seen, need to be rescued and restored and, as said, to be "used by the shadows as a means of transport? It would be parallel creation to the God’s creation?

In fact, there are thought-forms that can even be seen, as reported in the book "In the Fields of Mediumship" by Andre Luiz (Chapter 19). Here there are two examples of "thought-forms" which are only mental projections, and not creatures endowed with life themselves, which could be used by inferior spirits.

Finally, it would be necessary to write another book to comment all negative points of this book. There are quotes from Kardec, always adapted to the "revelations" that the author or spiritual authors intend to do. There is not a single page that can be described as spiritist. Take, as a final example, the following:

"For a long time spiritualists and spiritists faced the patent reality of obsession, however considering only the classical types: mono and multi obsession, whose agents are, respectively, one spirit and two or more of them. Nevertheless, by engaging in psychological research, the most dedicated researchers noted that other methodology has being employed by the shadows. Appeared the first observation on complex obsessions, requiring new approach, beyond the established technique of fraternal conversation or indoctrination. Among many tools found to establish the framework obsessive, it was found then, although the reluctance to admit the fact, the existence of artificial beings created in laboratories of the astral underworld. Along with household pests, chips implant, projection of magnetic fields of force and continuous action, such items end up causing disharmony in the cells of the physical embodied, even causing cancer. Above all, they are obsessive processes that are fleeing the traditional definition. " (361/362)

As you can see, it is stated that "dedicated technical of fraternal conversation or indoctrination" has been overcome, but there is no indication on what would replace it.

Say, in passing, is not seen in the book, any sentence in which love is offered as therapy, as seen in books of Chico and other mediums cited. There are only negative citations and fear, such as: "... the existence of artificial beings created in laboratories of the underworld astral. Along with household pests, chips implant, projection of magnetic fields of force and continuous action, such items end up causing disharmony in the cells of the physical embodied, even causing cancer. Above all, they are obsessive processes that are fleeing the traditional definition. " (361/362)

Underestimating knowledge and cleverness of the reader, and becoming a fiction, the author states: "For decades, in certain mediumistic meetings, some members suspected or detected the presence of different beings, with emotions, completely devoid of feelings. However, they could not express their perceptions without being confused with fertile imagination and fancy, or have them framed in the effect of pure animism. After time, these artificial beings were perceived more frequently and, nowadays, we can not discard these creatures because of the astral technology placed at the service of obsession. " (365)

It is, as shown, a gross confusion with physical cloning, as is stated more explicitly in the following excerpt: "This finding raises some breathing issues, which need to be discussed and studied by all. In which case clones are used? How are their mechanisms of action and with what purpose they come into play? "(365)

As seen, the forces against the spiritism are not attacking from outside. Now they decided to make the attack internally, i.e. changed the bombing by implosion. The contrary actions now are happening within the spiritists ranks through mediumistic books that are sold, by their fanciful nature, fear, and sometimes ludicrous and contrary to what we learned in the same Doctrine.

However, we should not be discouraged, because along with many fiction publications, groups of study in spiritual centres are proliferating which, of course, will clarify those who want to truly know the Comforter promised and sent by Jesus.


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