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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 117 - July 26, 2009

CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


Searching for a solution


Gabriel, who was only 7 years old, looked really sad. His home environment, who used to be happy, peaceful and loving, was not the same as before. 

He realised his parents were arguing a lot. They barely spoke to each other. When it happened, they would start to fight. 

Gabriel and his older brothers, Clare and Vinicius, would stay quiet at their room. They didn’t know what to do to help their parents. One day their parents fought so much his dad left home and hit the door strongly making noise. His mother then stayed at her room crying. 

Gabriel couldn’t think of anything else. He didn’t study, he didn’t play, and he couldn’t do his homework and was failing at school.

Two days passed by and his father didn’t come back home. His mother looked  like  a  zombie,  and  her

eyes were sore from crying.  

— Mom, is dad coming back? — He asked, worrying about the situation. 

Her mom hugged him kindly and said: 

— Of course he will come back, my son. He is very busy at work, that’s why he is not home just now. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. 

Therefore, Gabriel knew things were not going well. He kept thinking: “What will happen to us if dad doesn’t come back? Doesn’t he like us anymore?” 

He couldn’t find any answer to his questions, but he knew he had to do something. He remembered his mother used to say God always had an answer to all our sufferings. If we searched for Jesus’ words, we would find the help we wish for. 

Gabriel then took the Gospel and randomly opened it up. He was sure Jesus would help him to find a way out of this situation. He closed his eyes, and placed his finger there. He then read from the Gospel:  “Who asks, receives; who searches, finds; and hits the door, will find it open.” 

He opened up his eyes, and read this phrase a few times. His mom was right! Jesus sent him an answer. He understood he had to pray asking what he wished for, and then he would find a way to solve the situation between his parents. 

Gabriel started to pray and asked God not to allow his family to be apart. Every time he remembered the problem, he would repeat the prayer. That night he went to bed much calmer. 

In the morning he had a great idea! He took a paper and pen and wrote a note for daddy, saying: 

“Dear Carlos, I love you. We need to talk. I will wait for you at the restaurant we always go to at 8pm tonight. Love, Fernanda.” 

He wrote the same note, but only changed names. It was as if daddy was inviting mommy for a meeting. He looked at both notes and smiled. He then left it at the front door, so his mom would find it. 

He then got ready to go to school. As he went down to have breakfast, he found his mother all excited. As he left for school, he passed by his dad’s work place and left the note for him at reception.  

In the afternoon, his mom said she would go out at night, and then later went to the beauty salon to get ready. Gabriel didn’t say anything to his brothers, who found their mom’s behaviour quite strange. Where was she going? 

At night she came to the leaving room, all dressed up and perfumed: 

— I am not coming late. Please lock the door and stay at home. 

Later on she arrived back home. What a surprise when they saw that their mom was with their dad! Carlos hugged his sons, kindly. He then said: 

— My sons, I now realised how much damage I was causing you. Mom and I have talked and promised never to fight again. We will work on our differences from now on in peace. We now know that, if there is love, everything else can be sorted out. 

— We were able to do it thanks to Gabriel, who found  a way  to  get  us

closer again.   

They then told Clare and Vinicius what happened. Gabriel asked, quite admired: 

— But how did you find out it was me? 

They all laughed when their parents showed them the notes received. The hand writing in both notes was so well-known by them! It belonged to Gabriel!

He felt embarrassed for being discovered. His dad said: 

 — We need to thank you, our dear Gabriel, who managed to sort out this situation caused by me and mom. 

Gabriel smiled and said: 

— Let’s thank Jesus. He was the one who showed us the way!

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism