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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 3 - N° 126 – September 27, 2009
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Ana Maria Brito Leal Previato:

“I looked the Spiritist Doctrine through pain; blessed pain that enlightened my path”

In the following interview we have a brief chat where the spiritist movement of Três Lagoas is discussed. It also talks about the interchange it has with spiritist institutions from Ilha Solteira
and other cities


Ana Maria Brito Leal Previato (picture) is a retired University teacher from Jundiaí (SP - Brazil). She has been living in the city Três Lagoas (MS) since 1963. She has been spiritist since 1994. She works in the coordination department of the group Grupo da Fraternidade Espírita José Xavier. In this interview, Ana Maria talks about the spiritist movement in Mato Grosso do Sul. She also tells us when she became spiritist, and some of the characteristics of the place she lives, which is close to the city Ilha Solteira (SP). 

O Consolador: When did you become spiritist?  

I became spiritist 15 years ago. I like it already but it was only I had a health problem I read lots of spiritist romances. I had to go through 2 months of radiotherapy, and I read The Spirits' Book at the time as well. I read The Spirits' Book in one goal. When I finished it, I went back to the beginning in order to read it in more detail. I soon bought the five essential books published by Allan Kardec and read them all. When I moved back to Três Lagoas (MS), I searched for a spiritist centre and got involved with the “Kilo Campaign”. This campaign involves voluntary donations done by our members in order to contribute in providing food for our brothers and sisters in need. I worked there for five years. I have been involved in different areas since then. I looked for the Spiritist Doctrine through pain; blessed pain that enlightened my path. 

O Consolador: Can you please tell us about Três Lagoas, in demographic and economical terms?

Três Lagoas é a city located in the East of Mato Grosso do Sul. The city is the 5th in level of importance and the population is around 120.000 habitants. The economy was based on cattle, but now it also has industries which were built around the city. This has brought a fluctuant population of 5.000 habitants to the city. Shops, hotels, restaurants and the property market have changed drastically with this new migration of people. Jobs have been created as well. 

There has been an increase in the level of criminality and violence, but we are aware this is the burden we pay for the material progress we have in this world of world of tests and atonements. We, as spiritists, should pray for help from the Spiritual world for peace to be established in this world. 

O Consolador: How many spiritist institutions exist in Três Lagoas?

There are 11 spiritist centres in the city. There is a lot of interaction going on between 4 centres that organise seminars, lectures and courses together. There is less interchange with the other centres, but have good levels of friendship with them. 

O Consolador: How is the spiritist movement doing in Mato Grosso do Sul? 

It has a lot of harmony within the movement. We need to highlight the work that is being done by the Spiritist Federation of Mato Grosso do Sul (FEMS), whose President is Maria Túlia Bertoni. FEMS continuously offers courses in different States throughout the year on: systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, mediumship studies, Spiritist counselling, Spiritist Teachings for Children and Youth, Social spiritist communication, social spiritist assistance and promotion. We receive colleagues from FEMS every two months in our centre, which brings us joy and happiness. We have a constant and fraternal relationship with the Federation. 

O Consolador: What do you believe the most remarkable characteristic of the spiritist institutions located in your State?  

I would highlight that the institutions affiliated to FEMS focus on studies and charity work. 

O Consolador: What would you highlight within the institution you take part on? 

The spiritist centre Grupo da Fraternidade Espírita José Xavier was founded on the 17th November 1957. It is affiliated to OSCAL (Christian Social Organization Cristã André Luiz) and FEMS. It emphasizes on the systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine and mediumship studies. The group takes part on events promoted by OSCAL and FEMS. It focuses on social assistance, as it maintains a Home for Elderly people called Lar dos Velhos Eurípedes Barsanulfo. It also maintains Lar da Criança Irmã Scheilla, Casa da Sopa Meimei and Campanha do Quilo Francisco de Assis (Kilo Campaign Francisco de Assis). 

O Consolador: Are there any tools in the city for the disclosure of Spiritism, such as a spiritist newspaper column, radio programme, and book club or book fairs? 

There is a spiritist newspaper which is managed by Luis Corrêa da Silveira Filho. There is also a weekly radio programme that is under Dr. Ary Baptista’s responsibility. There are two book clubs in the city: one is called "A Candeia", under Salvador Wanderley de Souza’s responsibility and another one coordinated by Cláudio Delbone. We do organise book fairs, but they don’t happen every year. 

O Consolador: Is there a good interchange between your city and São Paulo? 

There is a very good interchange. We had very positive experiences. The Regional Spiritist Union of Três Lagoas (MS) is a division of the Spiritist Federation of Mato Grosso do Sul (FEMS). It works together with USE – Union of Spiritist Societies of Ilha Solteira (SP).  

Organizamos e participamos juntas em vários eventos e temos um Círculo de Palestras, no qual trocamos palestrantes nas diversas casas espíritas de Três Lagoas e as cidades mais próximas do Estado de São Paulo. 

O Consolador: What has been the most positive aspect of this interchange between your city with São Paulo? 

The friendship and union that is existent amongst our colleagues. The speakers who come to our region always go to the Union of Spiritist Societies of Ilha Solteira (SP), through the Regional Spiritist Union of Três Lagoas. 

O Consolador: How has the city spiritist movement been facing all controversial topics that are happening in the society? How are they discussed within the spiritist movement? 

Controversial topics are usually discussed in open seminars. Some of the topics discussed are: abortion, suicide, violence against children and euthanasia. When these are discussed in open seminars, we are very careful with the language used. It needs to be appropriate to the audience; otherwise it might shock them.  The Spiritist Federation of Mato Grosso do Sul (FEMS) always sends us material to be distributed on these seminars for the public.



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism