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Year 3 - N° 135 – November 29, 2009
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Aparecido Augusto de Carvalho:

“We need to contribute to strengthen the spiritist movement and create a
better world”

Our friend from São Paulo here talks about the spiritist movement in the Urubupungá region and the active exchange between the spiritist institutions located between the São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul


Aparecido Augusto de Carvalho (picture) is originally from Bebedouro (SP, Brazil) and has been spiritist since birth. He now lives in Ilha Solteira, which is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. This place name comes from the Tupi language. He talks on this interview about the experience he has on the interchange between spiritists from Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo. 

He is an Electrical Engineer and a Professor at UNESP; acronym for Universidade Estadual Paulista (São Paulo State University); is a public university system in the State of São Paulo.

He  is  linked  to the spiritist centre Centro

Espírita Cairbar Schutel and the President of the Regional Union of Spiritist Societies from Ilha Solteira. Here he brings us an idea of the dynamism of the spiritist movement in the region, with events such as CONRESPU- Regional Spiritist Co fraternization of Urubupungá.

O Consolador: Can you please tell us more about the economy of Ilha Solteira? 

Located in the far northwest of the state of São Paulo, Ilha Solteira was erected in 1965 to house the employees hired for the construction of the power plant. It became independent from the municipality of Pereira Barreto in 1991. Ilha Solteira is a planned city with large avenues and a modern structure that occupies an area of 639 thousand km2. The city is inhabited by 26,000 people whose major economic activities are related to electricity, agriculture, commercial trade and education.  

O Consolador: How many spiritist institutions exist in your city? What is the focus of the spiritist movement?  

There are three spiritist centres linked to the unifying movement, and another one that is not part of it. The primary focus is the study of the Spiritist Doctrine through public lectures, courses, Spiritist Education for Children and Youth. These three centres promote Spiritist and social work care jointly, as well as mediumship study. 

O Consolador: Does the city have a spiritist book club? Do you have a spiritist book fair? 

The Book Fair happens annually, for the last 20 years. Our city already had a book club, but this is no longer working. 

O Consolador: What does CONRESPU mean? What is its main goal? 

CONRESPU is the acronym for Regional Spiritist Co fraternization of Urubupungá region. Urubupungá is a name given to the region since at the top of the cliffs that are located close to Paraná River South American vultures would build their nests. The word means ‘the South American vultures’ quacks’ since these birds make a lot of noise at night.

This region is known by the important Urubupungá Complex. This complex is formed by the

Ilha Solteira, Três Irmãos and Jupiá reservoirs; which generate 5,86 MVA of electricity. The main goal of CONRESPU is to promote the study of spiritist themes and the alliance between spiritists in the region. 

O Consolador: When did this project start and what was the motivation behind it? 

It started in 1987, when one of our colleagues named Jercy, from Andradina, organized a meeting. He invited spiritists from different cities in the region to take part on the event, in which we had some lectures. Jercy didn’t continue this work, but together with other colleagues we organised the I CONRESPU in 1988, located in Ilha Solteira. From this date onwards, this happened every year. The motivation behind is to have the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars which are given by well-respected names in the Brazilian spiritist movement. 

O Consolador: How many cities get involved in this event? Does it happen at the same time and place every year? 

The following cities have been taking part every single year: Andradina, Guaraçaí, Murutinga do Sul, Castilho, Itapura, Ilha Solteira, Pereira Barreto, Sud Mennucci, Três Lagoas and Selvíria. These events usually happen on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of June in different cities, as we rotate them. 

O Consolador: What type of feedback do you get from these events?

CONRESPU promotes the union and exchange of experiences between spiritist workers, but also allows the study and disclosure of the Doctrine in the media. As a result, it allows the progress of the spiritist movement in the cities where the event is being hosted, as well as improves the spiritist activities in the entire region. 

O Consolador: What is the criteria used in order to define the topics and speakers for the lectures? 

These are normally discussed and defined together with the cities involved. We have an annual planning meeting organised by the Regional Union of Spiritist Societies from Ilha Solteira. We normally define them in accordance with the national campaigns promoted by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.  

O Consolador: Where are the funds coming from? 

It comes from each participant from CONRESPU. It also comes from promotional events organised by the Regional Union of Spiritist Societies.  

O Consolador: Ilha Solteira is located between two different States. What is the impact it has on spiritist activities in both cities? 

This is quite positive, since the spiritist movement in the city is influenced positively by the State Union of Spiritist Societies, the Spiritist movement from São Paulo and Três Lagoas.  

O Consolador: Is there anything else you would like to add? 

The spiritist centres in Urubupungá region has been fundamental in terms of disclosing the spiritist message to the community. It is important that we, leaders and workers, are aware of the importance and needed existent around us. This way we can contribute for the spiritist movement to be strengthened and to create a better world. 

O Consolador: Can I please have your final words? 

I would like to thank the magazine O Consolador for the opportunity and send all readers my fraternal regards.



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism