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Year 3 - N° 139 – January 3, 2010
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Nélio Augusto Luzze: 

“Internet is a powerful tool available for the disclosure of the Doctrine” 

Here is a brief of the spiritist movement in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro

Nélio Augusto Luzze (picture) is from Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). He now lives in Macaé, which is located in the same State. He graduated in Physical education and has been a spiritist since childhood. He worked in several spiritist groups in the city, where he does an extraordinary work in disclosing the Spiritist Doctrine. 

On the following interview, he talks about the Spiritist Movement in his region. He also presents us with a profile of the region where he focuses his strengths on disclosing the Doctrine. 

O Consolador: Can you please tell us more about your region? 

Macaé is a city located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, 180 km northeast of the state capital. Its population was recorded as 188.787 in 2008 and the municipal covers an area of 1,216 km². Macaé is generally considered to be the centre of the Brazilian offshore petroleum industry. As a consequence it is often referred to as "Cidade do Petróleo" ("City of Petroleum"). There is massive opportunity offered in the city for highly skilled work. There are people coming from everywhere in Brazil and even from other countries who are searching for job opportunities. Therefore, we do have a lot of people in need in the region due to bad political management. 

O Consolador: What are the cities that are part of the regions called região dos Lagos and Norte fluminense? 

Região dos Lagos: Búzios, Arraial do Cabo, Cabo Frio, São Pedro da Aldeia, Iguaba Grande, Saquarema and Rio das Ostras. Norte Fluminense: Macaé, Campos dos Goytacazes, Carapebus, Cardoso Moreira, Conceição de Macabu, Quissamã and São Fidélis. 

O Consolador: How is the spiritist movement in the area? 

The Spiritist Union of Macaé has 22 spiritist centres registered spread out in between these two regions: região dos Lagos and Norte fluminense. I would like to highlight Ms. Djane Abs, who worked hard to unite them. In Macaé the spiritist centres have a similar way to work, but their focus could be different from one another. This could be seen in several areas, such as: healing, youth, art, charity to communities in need, the offer of food at the centre, mediumship courses, etc. In some centres the work happens quite smoothly with active leadership. In the other hand, at other centres there are some old fashioned leadership styles that are stuck in the past and do not take advantage of new leaders who come their way. We can see that these centres lack workers and the centre doesn’t run smoothly. There are two options for the younger generations: wait or look for another centre to work. 

O Consolador: What would you like to highlight in regards to spiritist disclosure in your region? 

Internet is a powerful tool available for the disclosure of the Doctrine. It allows us know everything that happens in our region, State, Country and in the world at an impressive speed. We can now open our emails and receive information about spiritist events, courses, messages, etc. The spiritist family can now use this tool to take a bit of our knowledge that was only available at the books and spiritist centres to everyone in the planet.  

O Consolador: Are there any tools in the city for the disclosure of Spiritism, such as a spiritist newspaper column, radio programme, and book club or book fairs? 

Yes, in Macaé we have the Book Club Olímpia Machado, which is linked to the spiritist centre João Batista. It was founded on the 30th October 1995 by Etelvino Cyriaco, who is now at the spiritual world. D. Zilma di Volu is now leading this project. The Book Club has now 450 members, who receive every month a book for the price of R$ 10.00 (USD 5.61).  

The last book sent was Diversidade dos Carismas (Language: Portuguese – translation: Diversity of Charismas), from Hermínio C. Miranda. The Club is open to every one. If you would like more information please contact via: 005522-27620599. We also have two spiritist bookshops: Bookshop Idalina Meirelles linked to the Spiritist Union of Macaé, and Bookshop Iluminar, linked to the spiritist group Pedro. We also have in the region the Spiritist book fair Rio das Ostras.  

O Consolador: How is the integration of the local movement going on with the activities that are coordinated with the State Federation? 

This integration is done by the 33rd CEU (Spiritist State Council for the Unification of the Spiritist Movement of Rio de Janeiro). The orientation comes from the State Federation, CEUs and then taken to the spiritist centres. 

O Consolador: What are the biggest difficulties and achievements found in the spiritist movement?  

I believe the achievements are the creation of new spiritist centres, and the engagement of new colleagues into the Doctrine, who want to work and serve other brothers. The issue we have is the lack of disclosure of the doctrine outside the spiritist centre by the spiritists themselves. I think we are afraid of saying we are spiritists. 

O Consolador:  What other initiatives are being done to disclose Spiritism in your region? 

I think we are very quiet in terms of publishing. There are a lot of people who criticise us for putting up messages, posters, etc. The disclosure of the Doctrine is powerful way to bring new colleagues to the movement. We work very hard to make sure we send posters to all spiritist centres via email.   

O Consolador: Is there a good integration amongst the spiritist centres? 

The spiritist centres in Macaé are well integrated; there are not relationship issues between them. There is a lot of exchange between different centres. 

O Consolador: Is there anything you would like to add? 

Yes, there is.  I would like to add my gratitude to the Spiritist Union of Macaé. They have provided us with tools to develop the coordination of spiritist events and lectures at the Região dos Lagos and Norte Fluminense. Our objectives are to divulge as much as possible our spiritist Doctrine.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism