IBGE calls us kardecists
Allan Kardec once said that
we can say: Plato's
philosophy, the doctrine of
Descartes, Leibnitz's
philosophy, but you will
never say: the doctrine of
Allan Kardec, which makes
the word Kardecism
inappropriate as well as
inadequate the expression
Kardecist doctrine.
However the IBGE (Brazilian
Institute of Geography and
Statistics) has ignored this
information when creating
the rules for the census
2010, as shown in this
week’s editorial entitled
Kardecism or Spiritism,
which one is correct?
Among the highlights of this
edition, we would like to
call attention to the
interview conceded by
Fábio Klester Rodrigues
Oliveira, from Alagoinhas
(BA), to our
Orson Peter Carrara.
Fábio coordinates, together
with his wife Cacilda, the “Núcleo
Espírita Ponto de Luz”
(Point of Light Spiritist
Centre), and he
speaks about an interesting
experience in disseminating
the Spiritist Doctrine which
has been done at Shopping
Center of his hometown.
Another highlight is the
special entitled "Metaneurologia
- A Spiritual Vision of the
Brain," written by our
confrere Nubor Facure
Orlando, from Campinas (SP).
The study was divided into
two partes, the conclusion
will be published next week.
It was founded in England,
on the 23rd of February
1983, the Allan Kardec
Study Group - AKSG, the
first spiritist institution
created on this country,
within the ones which remain
active. This and other
interesting information
about the Spiritist movement
in England are part of a
special report, which is
part of this edition and one
of its highlights.
On the August 8th, 1946 –
the ladies Maria Augusta and
Nair Ambra Puhlmann Ferreira
have founded in Sao Paulo
(SP) the Charity “Our Home”.
The original intention was
to create a home for orphans
and abandoned babies, but an
experience that occurred in
1967 has changed the course
of the institution, and
since then, the IBNL has
decided to assist needy
children living with Brain
Injury and Down Syndrome, in
which it has became an
international reference. To
learn more about the
institution just click on
the link