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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 173 – August 29, 2010


Fernanda Trebien / ftrebien@hotmail.com


“The Astral City” finally arrives at the cinema screens

It was in early 1944 when the book “The Astral City” has been published. Andre Luiz has finished writing it in the year before, which may be assumed by the date of its preface, signed by Emmanuel on 3rd October 1943.

More than 50 years later,  we can finally see the main work of Andre Luiz in the Brazilian’s cinema screens.

Based on the Astral City book, which was psychographed by Chico Xavier, the film The Astral City tells the story of the author, represented by a pseudonym, a successful doctor that, after his death, awakes in the spiritual world. He no longer belonged to the so called the world of the living, and new lessons and knowledge came his way. While learning what life is like in another dimension and wishing to return to the physical world to meet this family, André Luiz discovers the great truth: life goes on for everyone.

Besides Renato Prieto, known for taking part on spiritist plays, the cast includes famous brazilian actors such as Ana Rosa, Werner Schünemann, Othon Bastos, Paulo Goulart, among others.

The film, co-produced and distributed by Fox Films do Brasil, brought together a team of great names of the world cinema such as the composer Philip Glass, the director of photography Ueli Steiger and the visual effects company Intelligent Creatures.

The movie is due to be released on 03rd September and a few confreres have attended the premier of the so long waited movie.

The trailer has been widely seen over the internet and through the trailer we could see that people would get very emotional when watching the movie, what has been confirmed by the testemonials published below.

The first testemonial is from our dear colleague Marlene Nobre, well known amongst the spiritists in Brazil and abroad:

"Dear friends:

I'm still under the impact of scenes and emotions of the film The Astral City. There are moments of great emotion. I cried a lot. Blessed tears. This is a victory and there is a great enthusiasm in terms of what this extraordinary teachings and blessed revelations of our Spiritual Friends represents in spiritual therms.

We shall trust in the future and in the fundamental changes that will bring a new civilization to earth, which will be based on Love and Truth, the one with which we all dream. Without violence, without wars. Only fraternity and love will be in the hearts of the future inhabitants.

We thank God for this victory of the Higher Plane and pray that the movie does a brilliant career. I wish it can touch everybody’s hearts, directing them for better changes.
Lots of Hugs, Marlene."

The other testimony is from an expert in the art of cinematography, our dear Oceano Vieira de Melo:

"Dear friends,

I just watched the movie "The Astral City.

It is simply wonderful! The director Wagner de Assis could materialize the masterpiece of our beloved Andre Luiz / Chico Xavier with perfection in the cinema. In addition, Wagner provides a wonderful tribute to Emmanuel and Chico. The scenes of the astral town are perfect from the standpoint of a new cinematic aesthetic. One detail: the film, despite having a spiritist theme, it is not a movie for spiritists only, but for all. It has exciting scenes that brings us to tears, which only a spiritist director could achieve.

Congratulations Wagner Assis. You have made the first 100% spiritist film of history based on a spiritist book, without speaking about Spiritism. What have you done for the cinema, we have learnt from Kardec, Emmanuel, André and Chico Xavier.

Let’s go to the movies on the 3 / 9. I’ll watch it again."


If anybody wants to know more about the production, backstage, curiosities, and the details of the film, visit the website http://www.nossolarofilme.com.br



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