A chat with Francisco
Francinaldo, from Mossoró-RN
The laying on of hands over
a person and its
effectiveness is
the title of this week's
editorial. It explains why some
spiritist people believe
that, instead of a simple
imposition of hands over
one’s head , it is better to
move the hands around in a
so-called magnetic
pass - a
practice that is common and
widespread amongst
spiritists institutions.
One of the highlights of
this copy is the interview
that Francisco Francinaldo
Rafael de Oliveira, from
Mossoró, Rio Grande do
Norte, granted to our
contributor, Orson Peter
Carrara. A spiritist since
2000, and linked to the
Centro de Estudos Espíritas
Allan Kardec, coordinating
the Communication Department
, Francisco talks, among
other topics, about the
traditional event Spiritist
Week of Mossoró.
Another highlight of the
issue is the analysis made
by fellow spiritist Marcus
Mario, from Rio de
Janeiro-RJ, about the book
"The Fisherman of Souls",
authored by Bishop Eusebius
Sintra (spirit) and
automatically written by
Valter Turini, and published
by Editora “ O Clarim
Dermeval Carinhana Jr.,
from Campinas-SP, reports to
us his impressions of the
trip he made, at the service
of Spiritism, to the south
of Minas Gerais State, where
he had the opportunity of
visiting the cities of
Campanha , Boa Esperanca,
Tres Coracoes and Varginha.
His accounts of the trip in
the form of reportage, is
also one of the features of
this week.
This week recalls to us the
date 7th February
1901, when the poet Auta de
Souza passed away, at the
age of 24 years. Her poems
have enriched pages of this
magazine’s issues. We, the
directors of this magazine,
are remembering this date in
order to take this
opportunity to express our
deep appreciation and
gratitude to this spiritual
friend of ours.