The disappearance of
Spiritism in France and its
A greeting to a dear friend
who departed to the
spiritual world – here
is the title of this week's
editorial, written in memory
of spiritist fellow
Adervaldo Roberto Patta, who
passed way on the 11th of
January. He was a dedicated
and hardworking spiritist
and one of the founders of
the Spiritist-Christian
Communion of Londrina.
Silvana Scarpino, from São
Paulo-SP, is a university
teacher, a business
executive and a spiritist
lecturer. She speaks to us
in an interview given to
Wellington Balbo about the
importance of introducing
spiritists ideas in the
corporate world of companies
to where she belongs as a
professional. The interview
is one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
special section of
authorship of the colleague
Artur Felipe A. Ferreira, de
Goiânia-GO, informing us
about the impact of the
eclecticism and heterodoxy
in the French Spiritist
Movement. According to the
writer, the cause of the
undeveloped stage of the
Spiritism in France, is due
to its syncretism and
miscellany within other
spiritualists approaches - a
fact that might have
uncharacterized the
spiritist practice in that
With the installation of the
18th URE, the URE of the
metropolitan city of
Londrina, the spiritist
movement of Parana state has
won a new image. Read about
it in another interesting
article of this issue.
Sunday, 20th of February, is
the date of another meeting
of the North Inter-Regional,
organized by Spiritist
Federation of Paraná. It
will be held from 9 to 12:
30 a.m. in the Department of
Humanities Science of the
University Estadual of