Rogério Coelho and the
mysteries of death
This week’s editorial is “The
Supreme Court and same-sex
unions”, which analyzes,
in light of Spiritism, the
historic decision by the
Supreme Court on the
legalization of same-sex
Among the features of the
week, we call attention to
the interview that the
colleague Roosevelt
Andolphato Tiago, from Barra
Bonita-SP, granted to our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara. With significant
involvement in the Spiritist
movement, as speaker, writer
and leader, Roosevelt has
been touring throughout
Brazil offering courses,
seminars and lectures that
have addressed interesting
topics such as team
building, leadership and
human behavior.
Another feature of this
edition is the article by
Rogério Coelho, from
Muriaé-MG, about the
mysteries of death and the
connection between the
spiritual world and the
corporeal world in which we,
the incarnated, live.
Divaldo Franco started on
May 18 a series of lectures
and seminars in Germany, as
presented in the special
report by Paul Salerno,
which is also one of the
features of this edition.
On May 25th,
1890, Antonio Gonçalves
Silva, a.k.a. Batuíra,
launched in São Paulo-SP the
newspaper Truth and Light,
which he composed and
printed, with the purpose of
disseminating the doctrine,
which reached, at the time,
the remarkable average
circulation of five thousand
copies. Born in Portugal and
having come to Brazil with
11 years of age, Batuíra
became an important
personality of the Spiritist
movement in Brazil.