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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 5 - N° 223 -  August 21, 2011

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Wally, the disobedient deer

On one occasion, in a large forest, a deer was born and he was his parents pride and joy. He was growing up and, over time, became very, very curious. The mother, full of care, licking his soft fur with affection, said:  

- My son, play with your friends around here, do not go far away. The forest is full of danger. You are young and you still do not know how to defend yourself! 

But besides being curious, the deer was disobedient too.  

So one day he woke up, stretched his long legs and watching the beautiful sun shining up high, he decided to walk through the woods.

Wally was curious to see other places and  different animals. 

So he began walking through the forest. He watched, amazed, the big trees that seemed to touch the sky. He

talked to the birds, the butterflies, to an armadillo that came out of its lair, to an anteater who was hunting for ants and a rabbit.

Suddenly, his new friends looked, frightened, to a specific place, and shouted:

- Hide! ...

When he looked again, they were all gone. Not understanding what had happened, the deer was sad. He was alone again.

But suddenly, he heard a frightening roar. Then came a large animal.

It had spots all over its body and walked smoothly.

Wishing to be friends, the deer started to get closer, but the animal gave another roar, so Wally panicked, running into the woods, with the other in his pursuit.

After a lot of running, tired and with his heart pounding, Wally stopped, hiding in the undergrowth. At that moment he remembered what his mother said, he should be very careful with the jaguar, the most dangerous animal of the forest. So what was chasing was a jaguar! ...

The deer began to tremble with fear, thinking: “Why didn't I listen to my mother's advice? If I had listened to her, now I would not be here, terrified, afraid of being discovered at any minute! What now? I am lost … If I get out of here, I'll never disobey my mother again, I promise! ...

As all was quiet and the deer did not hear any noise, he felt encouraged to come out of hiding.

Rising slowly onto his thin and wobbly legs, he looked from one side to another, and saw nothing. Then, more calmly, he left his hideout.

Suddenly, quite near him, he heard a terrible roar and saw the cat's eyes fixed on him. The jaguar was very close, getting ready to jump on him. So, the deer leaped and ran, until, exhausted, unable to bear it anymore, he stopped, leaning against the trunk of a tree, unable to keep running.

With shaky legs, he saw the large animal approaching. He knew there was no way out. He would die at the claws of the jaguar.  

Suddenly, he saw a swarm of bees that came out of a hole in the trunk of the tree and attacked the jaguar. Stung all over, the jaguar had no choice but to flee quickly.

The deer took the opportunity and ran in the opposite direction, heading down a path that would take him back home.

The mother, seeing him get home all panicky, said:

- My son, why are you like that, trembling with fear? What happened?

And the deer told his mother what had happened, ending by saying:  

- Oh, Mom! I was chased by a huge jaguar! Thanks only to the help of a swarm of bees that attacked it, I could escape.  

The mother looked at him with a loving expression:  

- Thank God my son, you're back safe and sound! You see? It is dangerous to venture alone in the forest, especially you who are still very young and inexperienced. If it were not for the bees, you would not have escaped.

The small deer, seated beside his mother, who licked him tenderly, agreed:  

- You're right, Mom. Now I know that you know what you are talking about, and that I should be more obedient. I might not have come home today ...and not see my family anymore.

His eyes were moist at the thought of that possibility. Then he looked at his mother and added:  

- Mom, I think everything that happened was important for my learning.

This adventure has taught me a lesson: that I should never do what is wrong and be in danger unnecessarily.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo, on 18.07.2011)


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