Luiz Carlos Formiga and
education in the golden age
This week’s editorial,
The temptations and the
experience of Paul of Tarsus,
recalls once again the theme
of temptation and how James
and Paul of Tarsus addressed
the subject in their
One of the highlights of
this edition is an interview
given to our collaborator
Guaraci de Lima Silveira by
colleague Ibraim
Filogônio Neto,
who lives in the city of
Belo Horizonte-MG. Spiritist
since 1987, our interviewee
is a member of the Spiritist
Fraternity Sister Scheilla,
located in Belo Horizonte.
Speaker and involved with
activities in various
spiritist institutions in
Belo Horizonte and other
locations, Ibrahim is also a
musician and producer.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article Education in the
Golden Age, with which
our colleague Luiz Carlos
Formiga, of Rio de
Janeiro-RJ, makes his debut
in our magazine.
According to him, the golden
age can be viewed with
optimism and serenity, and
above all as a great
educational opportunity.
A special report by Paulo
Salermo, which is also one
of the features of the week,
describes the recent trip by
Suely Caldas Schubert to Rio
Grande do Sul, where she
gave lectures in the cities
of Porto Alegre, Pelotas,
Rio Grande, Chui, Jaguarão ,
Capão da Canoa and Tramandaí.
This week we commemorate
another anniversary of the
birth of Amalia Domingo
Soler, who was born in
Seville (Spain) on November
10, 1835 and became a great
exponent of Spanish
spiritist movement, where
she acted as a promoter,
author, and worker. In
Brazil, Amalia is known for
her books, especially the
classic Memories of
Father Herman, from her
spiritual guide, Father