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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 238 -  December 4, 2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 30) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.


A. The man was happiest when life was less hectic?

B. Which happens first: the progress of moral or intellectual progress of mankind?

C. What is the biggest obstacle to progress?

D. History shows us that many people, having reached a certain developmental stage, relapsed into barbarism. This is not a step backwards? and, if so, what spirit the explanation?

E. Progress is the ultimate goal of all peoples of the earth, there will come a time when they find one day together, forming a single nation?

Text for reading

446. We must not confuse the state of nature with natural law. The state of nature is the primitive state, the childhood of Humanity. Civilization is incompatible with this state, while contributing to the natural law of human progress. (L.E., 776 and 777)

447. Man cannot regress to the state of nature, man must progress continuously and cannot back the state of childhood of Humanity. It is God who wants it. (L.E., 778)

448. Man progresses by itself, of course, but not all progress simultaneously and equally. It was then that the earliest assist the progress of others, through social contact. (L.E., 779)

449. The man has no power to stop the march of progress, but can sometimes embarrass her. Those who try to stop the march of progress will be swept away by the torrent which seek to. (L.E., 781 and 782)

450. There are races rebel progress, which will, however, bodily annihilated, every day. The souls that animate these races come down, as all perfection, through other existences. God disinherits anyone. (L.E., 787 and 787-A)

451. The men were once more civilized savages and cannibals. (L.E., 787-B)

452. Humanity progresses through individuals who gradually to improve and instruct. When these prevail by number, take the lead and drag the other. From time to time arise within her men of genius that give you a boost, come later, as instruments of God, those in authority and in some years, make it ahead of many centuries. (L.E., 789, Kardec comment)

453. According to the doctrine of spirits, the further progress also approve of ¬ generations also preterit, returning to live in better conditions and can thus improve on the focus of civilization. (L.E., 789, Kardec comment)

454. Civilization is a progress, though incomplete. The man suddenly goes from childhood to maturity. One day, when morale is as developed as intelligence, civilization will be free of the evils it has produced. The fruit cannot come before the flower. (L.E., 790 and 791)

455. Civilization does not immediately produce all the good that could produce, because, first, men are not able or willing to do so, and secondly, because they do not progress simultaneously all the faculties of the Spirit. It takes time for everything. In an incomplete civilization we cannot expect perfect fruit. (L.E., 792 and 792-A)

Answers to questions

A. The man was happiest when life was less hectic?

Many people think so. Indeed, having the man in the state of nature, fewer needs, free to think of the tribulations that creates for himself, when a state of greater advancement. Therefore, many consider that state as the most perfect happiness on earth. It is, however, the happiness of brutes. Some people do not understand each other. It is to be happy the way the animals. Children also are happier than men made​​. (The Spirits' Book, questions 776 and 777.)

B. Which happens first: the progress of moral or intellectual progress of mankind?

The progress comes with moral and intellectual progress of this result, although not always follow immediately. The goal, according to Spiritism, the progress is complete, that people, like people, just step by step amount. While there do not they developed moral sense, it may even happen that serve the intelligence to do evil. The morality and intelligence are only two forces that over time come to balance. (Ibid., questions 780 and 783.)

C. What is the biggest obstacle to progress? 

Pride and selfishness, here are the major obstacles to moral progress. In intellectual progress, and this always takes place at first glance, it seems that reduplicate the activity of pride and selfishness, greed and developing taste of wealth. (Ibid., questions 783 to 785.)

D. History shows us that many people, having reached a certain developmental stage, relapsed into barbarism. This is not a step backwards? and, if so, what spirit the explanation?

When a house threatens to fall, demolished it and built a more solid and more comfortable. However, while this is not ready, there is disorder and confusion in our home. Spirits incarnate in different places. Those who, when incarnated, were now the people are not degenerated that were at the time of its splendor. They reside in other countries, while other spirits, less advanced, took the place had been vacant and that, too, in turn, will have one day left. People are collective individualities, as individuals pass from infancy, by the age of maturity and decrepitude. The only live the life of the body, those whose greatness is based solely on force and land area, are born, grow and die, because the strength of a people exhausted, like a man. Those whose selfish laws impede the progress of enlightenment and love, die, because the darkness and the light kills love kills selfishness. But for the people, as well as individuals, there is the life of the soul. Those whose laws are in harmony with the eternal laws of the Creator, will live and serve as a beacon to other nations. (Ibid., questions 786 and 788.)

E. Progress is the ultimate goal of all peoples of the earth, there will come a time when they find one day together, forming a single nation? 

A single nation, no, it would be impossible, since the diversity of climates and customs originate different needs, which are the nationalities, making it necessary always appropriate laws and customs to those needs. Charity, however, unknown latitudes and does not distinguish the color of men. As everywhere, the law of God is the basis of human law, people will practice the love between them as individuals. Then they will live happily and in peace, because no harm to take care of your neighbor, or to live at the expense of it. (Ibid., question 789.)



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