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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 5 - N° 238 -  December 4, 2011

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Reward of Lying

The end of the school year approached, and Daniel was going through difficulties at school.

Being lazy, he had no desire to study and, therefore, his grades were low.

One day, Daniel opened his eyes and, when he remembered he needed to get up for school, he felt discouraged. He had woken up feeling lazier than usual.

At this point, his mother opened the door, warning:

- Good morning, Daniel! Wake up! It's time to wake up! ...

At that moment, he thought and decided:

- I'm not going to school today!

But what to do? He would have to come up with an excuse, and fast.

Daniel knew that his mother was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and, if he did not show up, at least to have a glass of milk, she would come back to see what was happening. So, he was ready for it with an excuse.

- I know it! I'll put the thermometer near the bulb of the lamp at the bedside table. Then put it in my mouth and, of course, Mom will believe I have a fever. Genius! ...

When the mother, now irritated, returned to call him for a second time and opened the bedroom door, she saw the boy lying down with a sickly expression.

- What is it, my son? Why haven't you gotten up? Wow! And you're lying under that heavy blanket even though is a hot day? ...

With a sad face, he explained:

- Oh, Mom! I think I'm sick. I felt very cold during the night and just now I thought I had a fever and got the thermometer. Here!

The mother took it into her hands and got frightened:

- My God! Thirty-nine degrees! You have high fever, Daniel.

Roguish, the little boy said:

- Oh, Mom, but I have to go to school!

- No, nothing like that. Do you have a test today? Because, if so, I will notify the school.

- No, I have nothing, Mom.

- Then, you will not go. I will bring you a fever suppressant and your breakfast. Poor son of mine ... - she said with infinite care.

The mother left the room and soon returned with the medicine, and a tray with a cup of milky coffee and bread and butter.

Daniel sat up in bed, pretending difficulty, and received the tray that the mother had brought. She waited for him to take the medicine and then left the room, checking on her other children, who were leaving for school.

Happily, Daniel had his breakfast, then turned on the stereo, thinking:

- What a beautiful day! I fooled my mother and now I will spend my time doing only what I like. No classes or undesirable things!

Some time later the mother came back and saw that the fever was gone.

- Good for you, Daniel. Your fever is gone. Let us beware. If it comes back it is a sign that we need to go to the doctor.
- I think it will not come back, Mom. I'm feeling fine.

- Great! Then I will go to work but I will come back earlier. May God be with you! Any problems call me.

- Sure, Mom. You can go in peace.

Daniel had a calm morning. He watched a film, played with his games, and when the mother returned at lunchtime, she found him in the backyard, skateboarding. He looked great, and the mother less concerned for seeing her son well.

The next morning, Daniel went to school and learned that the teacher had given a group assignment for the students to do in the classroom, which she would grade, helping those who were struggling to be approved.

The teacher lamented Daniel's absence, saying:

- What a shame you did not come yesterday, Daniel. It would be your opportunity to get a good grade and not have to come to summer class.

The boy, however, explained:

- Teacher, I was sick. You can ask my mother. She even wanted to notify the school, but I said there was no need because I had no tests!

The teacher called Daniel's mother to confirm the boy's words, and the mother said she would go to the school to talk.

At the end of class, Daniel's mother sought the teacher in the classroom and, after all students left, with the exception of Daniel, she asked her son, very seriously:

- So, you were sick yesterday, Daniel?

- Of course, Mom! I had a fever, remember? - replied the boy.

- Really? For I know that you lied to me, so you would not have to come to school. You put the thermometer in the light to heat it, so I thought you had a fever.

The boy hung his head in shame before his teacher's reaction and the indignation of his mother.

His eyes widened in amazement. How did his mother know?

- Your brother told me everything - she said.

Then Daniel remembered that when his younger bother saw him at home, he thought it was strange and Daniel told him what he had done. What a blunder!
- I apologize, both to my mother and to you, teacher. I acted very badly.

The teacher looked at her student and said:

- Daniel, I wanted to give you another chance. But after all this I just heard, you will have to come to summer class. And this is your punishment: if you no longer wanted to come to school, now you must attend classes for three weeks. You will then be evaluated again. It's your chance not to repeat the school year.

- Okay. I know I deserve it, teacher.

Daniel did everything right and was able to be approved. In the end, he felt that it had not been so heavy after all. He actually liked everything he learned in those classes.

But that lesson would stick to his mind for the rest of his life, showing him that lying does not pay, only bringing shame and disrepute, because, as the sun, the truth will always appear.


Psychographed by Celia Xavier de Camargo on 29/11/2010.


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