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Year 5 - N° 251 - March 11, 2012

Botucatu, SP (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The lives of "El Pilarico," from killer of bulls to guard of animals 

Álvaro Múnera

The case is a expressive example of personal overcoming
of one regret Spirit

Alvaro Múnera was born in Colombia and for four years began to deal with bulls accompanied by his father, an aficionado of bullfighting. With 12 years decided to become a bullfighter, and the promise triumphed at age 18 in a climactic faena Macarena in Medellin. Thomas Round, the agent of 'El Yiyo', his best friend, opened the doors of a successful international career in Spain, where the nicknamed 'El Pilarico'. He completed 22 races and was close to the consecration when the afternoon of September 22, 1984 in Albacete, a bull - 'Terciopelo' (velvet) - gave him a cornada left leg, designed it in the air and fell headlong. "The fall caused me a fracture of 5th cervical vertebra with complete spinal cord injury accompanied by head trauma. I felt a current of cold air and lost all sensitivity of the body, "says Alvaro about the accident that left him paraplegic. (On this topic see the documentary in La Faena Last http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhTu88baTL0.)

There were several critical moments in his career that taurine Múnera seen such cruelty that was to abandon it. "The 1st when I killed a" cow train "I knew after being pregnant, I cried when I remove the fetus from her womb! ... The 2nd when dug four or five times a sword in a bull (piercing your body side to side) and he struggled to live in terrible agony. "The expectations of his father and admiration of the public erroneously drove him to continue. "These were two calls that did not answer. Then came the 3rd and then had to learn from the pain he could have met the ground. God gave me two opportunities that I took and taught me by another method with which I learned the lesson well. "

"In the ambulance after the accident I thought: we should not fight bulls because from the blood shed will turn against us." "I understood that what happened to me is what I did to the bulls." (The site of injury seems a symbolism). "When a bull fatally struck the heart of" El Yiyo 'and people were crying shocked, I asked myself "is this something that we do to the bulls?" Today thanks to be alive because the assault was brutal. There were two bullfighters who was succeeded the same - Julio Robles y Limeño II - and "it seems did not support the load and committed suicide."

After four months at the Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo, Múnera was transferred to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, where he underwent further surgery and after three years of rehabilitation began to record movements. During the four years he lived in the United States, was considered - on occasion - a criminal mistreatment of the bulls. One, when the aunt of a friend who invited him to dinner in his house, looked at him and coldly told him that he was glad to be in a wheelchair: "I hope never to rise there, because you're a barbarian, a killer ! "He argued so far-fetched as any aficionado "that the bull has a chance to save himself and was born to be dealt with." To which she replied: "The bull was created for this? He is not there at will like you! Take him, torture him and kill him without knowing why you do it all! The bull is a living being that feels like you. Has a nervous system that responds to pain stimuli in the same way that its! 'Pilarico' was silent ... 

In 1997, the Council reached Múnera Medellin in defense of a civic movement led by people with physical disabilities 

After the accident, his father continued to watch the races for a while, until he read an article written by Múnera in the press, entitled "I saw bulls cry" and stopped being bullish in solidarity with his son. He writes that "I do not think bad decisions at that time I was mentally ill, but I am absolutely convinced that was the logical result of a dark ignorance." "The reality of the ill-named 'fiesta' is crimped to kill and bury in places where you can punch in the body of the innocent animal so sensitive to fear and pain as you, your dog or me. "" One thing is to see the Bulls bench, do not feel the iron spikes, torture and death. It is better to drink beer and scream ¡Olé! That vomiting blood from his mouth with a sword embedded in the lungs and heart. It is not necessary to have the minimum basic knowledge of anatomy to understand that every living being with a central nervous system suffers when the wound. Simply apply the highest Christian 'does not do to others what you do not want to make you.' "

In 1997, the Council reached Múnera Medellin in defense of a civic movement led by people with physical disabilities. As a counselor also wants to be an active supporter of the animals so that "they have a voice and vote." The goal is to end the torture of animals by Anticrueldad Organización Fuerza Unida por la Naturaleza de los Animales (FAUNA), which comprises several associations against the mistreatment of animals, focusing on life, not cruelty and not suffering of any kind. "The wrong was I ... and recognize my mistake was the attitude I had as a valuable human being. "

For bullfighting, Múnera is a traitor. He defends himself by saying he loves bullfighting: toureou cows in his wheelchair and was married at the Plaza de Toros La Macarena in the middle of many calves. "If it was spiteful, hate the bulls and defend the worst torment for those who killed my best friend and left me incapacitated." Alvaro is a married man, has an adopted daughter and do not accept the term "disabled", as that is dedicated to build and fight for life. "Disability is the walk through the world thinking that you can kill, abuse and besides, having fun with it."

He describes himself as a spirit on the road you want to leave this world better than how he entered, a man who struggles to atone for their crimes and ensures that: "Working for the right of every living being is not to be tortured is a should I have with God and with life. "the wheelchair is for him" an instrument to evolve, to ease the pain of others in contrast to those engaged in collecting material goods at the expense of the suffering of others, whether human or animals. "" More than a punishment, the chair is a blessing in my life because I had never been in contact with human suffering. The accident was not the point of arrival but of departure. That bull was on my way and directed me, but it was the personal process in solitude that made me think. "  

Victor Hugo in "Rise and Fall", refers to bullfighting through the eyes and feelings of Pilarzito, El Conquistador

Victor Hugo, the great poet, novelist, French politician and journalist, was a fighter of social causes, defender of the oppressed, publisher of teaching and education. Converted to Spiritualism after the disincarnation Léopoldine, one of their four children. Initially, took note of the phenomenology of the spirit through visiting Mrs. Delphine de Girardin, in 1853. This time was already in exile on the island of Jersey, due to its antagonism to the government of Napoleon III. Conducted several studies, published in the work from turning the tables Jersey. For over 25 years covered the issues that the 'turning tables' raised and deepened, confirming, clarifying and supplementing the answers to which had come through studies and meditations.

The poet made a speech at the funeral of the young Emily, whom Francois, son of the writer there had been a devoted his translation of Shakespeare. Due to its impact, several periodicals of the time, including the journal itself Spiritist Allan Kardec (February 1865) published this speech, which include: "Let us give justice to the death. Let us not be ungrateful to her. She says it's not like a cave and a trap. It is a mistake to believe that here in this darkness of the pit open, everything is lost. Here everything is reunited. The tomb is a place of restitution. Here the soul takes the infinite; recovers its fullness here and here enters the possession of its mysterious nature, is off the body, of necessity, the body of the fatality. Death is the greatest freedom. It is also the greatest progress. Death is the rise of all who lived in higher grade. Rise stunning and sacred (...) "

In 1876, the pen of Victor Hugo wrote: "The death penalty was abolished in this noble Portugal, small town that has a great story (...) I congratulate your nation. Portugal is an example for Europe. Eat beforehand that glory. Europe imitate Portugal. Death to death! War on War! Live the life! Hate to hate! "The May 22, 1885, at age 83, passed away this great luminary leaving a vast legacy to humanity. The author has continued to write disembodied on earth, through the mediumship. In 1916, the spirit of Victor Hugo began writing through Zilda range. Exactly one hundred years after its disembodiment, and prefaced Hugo wrote the work 'hard Ascension' (May 22, 1985) through the automatic writing of Divaldo Franco. Thus begins the book: "Life is more than God grant that most men have no known value."

"Fall and Rise" is the 5th novel by Victor Hugo, the psychographic mediumship of Divaldo. The initial scenario is the nineteenth-century Spain. The author refers to bullfighting through the eyes and feelings of Pilarzito, El Conquistador. Overcome by passion and ambition, the characters return in this work, the reincarnation, a country in South America, where they experience the pains and joys in their spiritual ascent. Pilarzito was "handsome in the prime of his youth, that boasted," but stripped of dignified moral values, "followed, therefore, the trajectory, intoxicated by alcohol, money, sex, and the continuing need of the glory liar" achieved at the expense of pleasure by the practice of bullfighting. In Ciudad Real, in the arena of San Isidro, a tragic accident prevents him from continuing the search for this elusive fame ... Blondes of bullfighting to the laurels of victory before the battle of inner transformation, Pilarzito hangs a battle with himself, the rise of the falls. The brightness of their costume will lead to enlightenment of your spirit. 

The story is Pilarico public. The invisible side is missing but not reported by Fabio Villarraga, medical spiritist of Colombia 

In the preface to this book in 2002, Victor Hugo tells us that "The story that I explain in this book is real and some of his characters are still incarnate on earth, rectifying unhappy commitments, setting goals for their own progress and grow within." in the 3rd part in pág.306, reports that "the past and discovers Pilarzito fits into this. The former took part in the toreador now the Humane Society of the Spiritist Movement in your city, opening the list of accomplishments for the nascent Society Support to Disability. "

The story is Pilarico public. The invisible side is missing but not reported in a lecture by Fabio Villarraga, medical of Colombia spirit. In their thinking processes, Alvaro met the Doctrine in the U.S.. Part of a group psychic, a medium suggested to him that he studied "The Spirits' Book," to know the origin of their situation, according to the law of cause and effect. Pilarzito Pilarico ... The story is the spirit of Alvaro Múnera is summarized in "Rise and Fall." In Miami, Divaldo knew his life and the spirit of Victor Hugo said he wanted to write the story of 'El Pilarico'. The playwright has investigated the historical archives and had access to the spiritual content of Alvaro and narrates the experiences Reincarnatory him at other times. When Múnera was bullfighting in Spain, he felt he already knew the arenas of racing, its corridors, and various sensations of deja vu. Victor Hugo explains in this work the spiritual causes of events and the best procedure for your characters, interspersing the descriptive value of the dramas and conflicts with the guidance spiritist.


Autor's Notes:


1. This article inspired the living testimony of dear friends:

Irvênia Prada (and family), Prof. Dr. Medical Veterinary Neuroanatomy USP, for his humility, dedication and common sense in the active defense of the rights and animal welfare. Integra commissions on rodeos in Brazil.

Public Hearing - Fighting, Sport or Cruelty? November 2011 (final speech) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A8tA_eE-3I

Ademar Faria (former Angolan pilot, a paraplegic after a shooting wrong), by his will that knowledge energetic spirit potentiated. And that helps me see life with other eyes, arms and legs.

Jean Joachim, and Maria Luisa Luna Stélio Capua (Drs Profs. Veterinarians Bioethicus and Institute of UNESP), humanism, and with sensitivity to animals who learn acupuncture and neurology, and whose intention healing allows animals and their human guardians might reborn.

2. On this matter we suggest the reader to watch the lecture Fabio Villarraga Spiritist Federation in the Cundinamarca department of Colombia, on April 18, 2007. Here's the link:



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