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Year 6 - N° 257 - April 22, 2012

Itapetininga, SP(Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com  


Christian Conduc
(Second and Final part)

Let’s persevere in Christian conduct so that our gestures can represent the presence of Christ on Earth

Orson Peter Carrara

Marital interaction: 

Statistics reveal that more than 50% of marriages end up in separation, which demonstrates that there is much maladjustment in marital interaction. We see in marital relationships the presence of boredom, lack of dialogue, infidelity, lack of respect. This leads us to think that the spouses, who are totally unprepared for life as a couple, enter into marriage, which is an institution that will demand acts of sharing and renouncement from both parties.

Camilo emphasizes that marriage must generate union and not fusion, because each one of the spouses must nourishes their ideals, which ought to be communicated to their partner, so that together they can adjust to the best way of carrying out these ideals.

Unfortunately in the majority of relationships, marriage is a way of legalising the sexual act, above all for the male party, who in many situations, due to uncontrolled libido, will demand sexual relationship during periods of illness, of ovulation and menstrual cycle of the woman.

Let us learn with Camilo and with other spiritual benefactors that sex is the less significant part of marriage, which must be kept through love-tenderness and love-friendship, where affection and respect will not allow tedium to dominate the spouses’ emotions.

Marriage is like a delicate plant that must be watered daily with love and friendship, because before being marital spouses, we cannot forget that we are God’s children and therefore brothers who seek to help one another on our evolutionary paths.

Therefore, a Christian conduct in marriage will always be fidelity, tenderness, respect and tolerance, with awareness that the more evolved or more enlightened one, from the spiritual point of view, must be the one who will offer more attitudes of love, renouncement and silencing whenever necessary for marital harmony whilst seeking out strength in prayer.

Let’s see André Luiz’s phrase: “exemplification starts in the intimacy of the domestic temple” (Spiritist Conduct).

One roads:

André Luiz warns us that we must demonstrate with the example that a spiritist is a Christian in any place. Thus, on the streets, we must use friendliness and gentleness with the passers-by, smiling and expressing affectionate words, as fraternal greeting is a card of peace.

We must also collaborate with hygiene in the streets; as seen in the item “Environmental Question”; still protecting gardens, monuments, trees and animals, as well as helping children, sick people and the elderly, be it in the public traffic, or be it in another situation in which we could be of use.

Moreover, today’s tumultuous traffic will be an excellent opportunity to train one’s patience and tolerance, avoiding losing emotional control that culminates in swearing and aggression.

After losing emotional control, consciousness will tell us that we could have acted more fraternally.

From enlightened awareness through the gospel of Jesus, we must distance ourselves from perverse places with discretion, without criticism and disdain because we know that these places contribute nothing towards our spiritual improvement and, on the contrary, they can generate unnecessary risks towards our evolutionary march, especially in the field of spiritual influences (obsessions).

In the religious temple:

André Luiz brings excellent pointers regarding our conduct in the religious temple, inviting us for example, to the exercising of mediumship.

If possible, in the spiritist centre, arrive 15 minutes earlier so we can disconnect ourselves from mental fixations connected to the daily hurry, opening mental space to absorb the spiritist lessons, notably if the meeting is of the mediumistic kind which requires more concentration from the mediums.

André Luiz also talks about dedication in regarding to discipline, paying attention in the lectures, without conversation, yawning or loud coughs, so that the learning process can be more efficient.

The above mentioned benefactor gives guidance to deprive ourselves of the front seats of the auditorium, reserving them for visitors or to less capable people. What interesting warning, seeing that above all, we do quite the opposite in spiritist lectures when we arrive early and hold seats for other people, with total disregard for those who are arriving at the building.

The work “Spiritist Conduct” still affirms that the spiritist must preserve at all cost the philosophic purity, consequently seeking to seriously study the spiritist religion, mainly from reading Allan Kardec’s basic books, avoiding at all costs books of dubious content and acceptance of ideas that are strange to Spiritism. 

On conviviality with difficult people: 

In the chapter entitled “Suffering and Crystallisation” (book “Educations and Life Experiences), the spirit Camilo tells that the task to do with transforming someone’s psychism (mind frame) is not easy, as we would be dealing with spirits who for several centuries, are reinforcing an irregular conduct that is separated from the good and from the truth, in a way that not even suffering will be able to immediately break from this crystallization in the evil.

Thus, we would have to exercise compassion when dealing with difficult, aggressive, malicious, irresponsible, materialists because we understand that they are at a lower level of evolution, and, for this reason, we must offer them the best of us to help them, without anyone losing emotional balance.

These people may be in our family, in our work environment and social relationships, therefore our task will be of sowing, being aware that the therapy of time, through reincarnation will produce its beneficial and progressive effects.

We must not violate other’s freedom of conscience, in such way that our examples and verbal guidance will only be opposed by them, as moral transformation cannot be imposed, but can be only an invitation so that the person can reflect on and, by free will and spontaneous wish, choose to change himself for the good.

It must be stressed that gestures of affection are of most importance for the welcoming of these individuals, seeing that the spirit known as Joanna de Angelis teaches us that “no loving welcoming is lost” due to its deep marking in the still rebellious spirit who, sooner or later, will end up surrendering himself to the love which fulfils us and bring us existential meaning.

We must be aware that we do not become difficult people, of unstable and intransigent character, disrupting relationships around us.

To live with Christ:

The situations brought to the fore in this article invite us to live in tune with Jesus, striving always for the common good, so that we can be an instrument of peace, according to St Francis of Assisi in his famous prayers.

In a very beautiful symbolism, the spirit Camilo invite us to remain in the heavens, with elevated vibes, never in tune with evil, which is everything that is distanced from the good.

Camilo reminds us of a passage of the prophetic sermon in which Jesus, in a given moment, says let no one on the housetop go down, and let those in the city not get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.  It is to do with a proposal of fidelity to the good, above all in this period of planetary transition, where evil and aggressiveness try to disrupt human hearts.

Let us be loyal to the love preached and lived by Jesus, because unfortunately many individuals end up slackening in the moral field allowing themselves small moral concessions, and thus start to attune with similar spirits, complicating the path of their lives on Earth.

Joanna de Ângelis also warns us that “our attitude is our moral x-ray”. Therefore we shall try to strengthen ourselves in prayer and in study, so that we can be in tune with the higher life energies which will stimulate us to live in the good in a regimen of plenitude and in any situation, reminding ourselves that the honourable codifier of Spiritism, Allan Kardec, affirms that the true spiritist is recognised by his efforts to dominate his bad tendencies, seeking to be better today than yesterday.

Let’s persevere in Christian attitudes so that our gestures can represent Christ’s presence on Earth.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism