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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 273 – August 12, 2012
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Sidney Francez Fernandes: 

“Spiritist leaders must be committed to using all the
new types of media”

Our fellow Spiritist from Brazil’s São Paulo state talks about web radio station CEAC and says that the Internet has opened new possibilities for the dissemination of the Teachings

Sidney Francez Fernandes (photo) – a businessman from the city of Bauru – has been a Spiritist since 1962. He is the director of the Spiritist Centre Amor e Caridade (Love and Charity) and has played an important role in the dissemination of Spiritism as a public speaker and through Internet radio. His experience has become an inspiration for

Spiritists in may other cities, as he tells us in this interview: 

Tell us about the beginning of Radio CEAC. 

It was founded on December 2nd 2011. Richard Simonetti was inspired by a similar initiative in the Brazilian city of Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo state.

How do you decide on your programmes, what are the criteria?

The main criteria are good quality music, the dissemination of the Spiritist message through reliable and dedicated collaborators, the quality of the theoretical framework and we encourage broadcasting messages that lead to enlightenment and reflection. We broadcast mainly messages from speakers of our Spiritist Centre, but whenever there is a possibility we open our microphones to speakers from other cities. We select the best lectures and record them into CDs, which is then used by other Spiritist Centres in their studies.

What are the technical requirements?

To set up a web radio station you need a good computer, access to broadband Internet and subscription to a provider. We use a system called BRLOGIC. Our expert on technical issues is Marcos Henrique, in the city of Matão (contato@radioradio.com.br) and Jonatas (jow_gomes@hotmail.com).

What has been the feedback of your live broadcasts?

They have brought us our biggest audiences. We publish our programmes grid beforehand, which enables many people who cannot come regularly to our open meetings to listen from home of from the office. There is big demand also for our Spiritsm Courses.

How many hits do you get?

We are very happy with the figures. In December 2011, we were hoping to reach 10,000 hits by the end of this year. But we have now gone beyond d36,000 hits and will be celebrating 50,000 hits very soon.

How do you plan and control the broadcast of the material you record?

It is all saved in several computers and external HDs. The material is then made available to other radio stations that are still in the initial stage of their operations. People also take the CDs and listen to them in their cars, at home or in their Spiritist Groups.

Is it easy to set up a virtual radio station? Where do you begin? Who do you seek help from?

It is easy and straightforward. The two experts mentioned before, Marcos Henrique and Jonatas, are available to provide all information and help.

What are the lessons you have learned from this brief experience?

I have learned that we have a long way to go in the dissemination of the Spiritist Teachings. The comfort we can offer to other people’s pains is more efficient and comes quicker when we use the new technologies available. We still have a lot to learn. We lack the financial resources to have our own conventional radio stations, or to provide material more regularly to television stations. We are in our first steps…

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to say that the benefits of a lecture, a book, a message or an interview could be multiplied through all the modern media. I see great potential for the dissemination and growth of Spiritism once we make good use of these tools. We will be able to reach out those who are still shy or embarrassed to go to meetings at a Spiritist Centre. They will be able to absorb the beautiful Teachings through the radio, the Internet, a CD or a DVD. The leaders of the Spiritist Movement must be aware of that and must be committed to using all the new types media. That will allow them to provide solace, to educate, to soothe the pain and open the possibility of a new life style as the principles of Spiritism are put into practice in our daily lives.


The link for Radio CEAC is: www.radioceac.com.br





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