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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 6 - N° 276 – September 2, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Planting friendships


Fernando, a very mischievous boy, was always creating trouble for everyone. He loved to play  pranks, creating unpleasant situations for his classmates. He would put an open bottle of ink in a backpack, he would fill someone else's bag with trash, tie someone's shoelaces together while they were distracted to see them take a tumble, and much more.

The teacher would get him grounded and then would always warn:

- Fernando, your classmates have been patient, but everything has an end. One day you will get hurt!

- But, teacher, I didn't mean it! I was just kidding! - he apologized, laughing.

And so, there was always someone complaining of something he had done.

One day, because it had rained the night before, the ground was covered with mud . So Fernando had an idea! There was this classmate, Sylvia, whom he admired because she was pretty, nice and studious. He decided to play a prank on her.

With his fertile imagination, he took a sheet of wrapping paper and with a small shovel, which the students used for gardening, put a good deal of mud in a piece of plastic, then wrapped it properly, tying it with a beautiful ribbon, as if it were a gift.

Later, he looked for Sylvia and found her in the garden where the students learned to grow plants. He handed her the package and said very seriously:

- Sylvia, I have always wanted to give you a gift. Here you are. Hope you enjoy it! ...

She smiled sweetly and thanked:

- Thanks, Fernando! You are very kind! ...

Of a generous heart, Sylvia looked around for something to repay his kindness. At that moment, she saw a beautiful flower that had opened that morning on the piece of land she cultivated. It was a kind she really liked and had planted with care.

Then, extending her hand, she plucked the flower and offered it to Fernando:

- In return, accept this flower. That's all I can give you, but it's from my heart!

The boy, awkwardly, took the beautiful flower that Sylvia  offered  him.  Then  she  untied  the ribbon and

opened the package she had received. Surprised, she saw it was a lot of mud!

However, without showing her surprise, she smiled and said:

- Thank you, Fernando. Rest assured that your gift will be very useful to me in the cultivation of plants. I see that the soil is good, and certainly the seeds will grow strong and healthy.

The boy turned red with embarrassment before his friend's attitude. He was used to seeing people react differently, and then he would have a good laugh. But that girl left him embarrassed.

- Sorry for the joke - Fernando said, turning away with his head down.

Arriving home, his mother noticed his red eyes but said nothing. Fernando went to his bedroom and there he stayed. Seeing that he would not come down, not even for a meal, his mother opened the door softly, went in and sat next to him in bed.

- Would you like to talk, dear?

Fernando wiped his eyes and told his mother what had happened, not forgetting anything. She listened to him, without interrupting. Once finished, Fernando confessed:

- Mom, I never felt so ashamed in all my life! I used to see in my classmates a different reaction, usually anger, indignation ... But Sylvia treated me so differently, with such gentleness that it made me feel like rubbish!

-  Do you know why, my son? It's because each one gives what they have inside of them! You like to play with people, becoming happy when you see them angry, aggravated! Your friend has another way to be: she is accustomed to spreading joy, well-being, optimism! And she gave you the best she had in her heart.

- It's true! She never showed displeasure or dissatisfaction. Instead, she still valued the handful of mud that I gave her!

- So act those seeking the best in all things, in people and situations. Surely she must be very happy!

Fernando thought about it and decided:

- Mom, I want to change! I know people do not like me for the things I do. I want them to like me. Can I invite my friend to have a snack here at home tomorrow? If she accepts, of course!

- Sure, dear! She will accept. I am anxious to get to know this girl that made you reflect on your life and wish to change. I'll bake a delicious cake for her.

In the afternoon of the following day, accompanied by Sylvia, Fernando arrived home and introduced her to his mother. They talked a lot while having lunch until Fernando's mother asked:

- Sylvia, my son was very impressed with your reaction to his prank. And I was curious to meet you. After all, you are only eleven years old and seems to be very mature for your age. Have you always been like that?

The girl thought for a moment and replied:

- No, I was different! I learned with Jesus that we should do to others as we would have them do to us. That was enough for me to change my life. As I wanted the friendship of people, I needed to be friendly. That's what I did!

Fernando and his mother heard her, admired. The lady, mentally, elevated her thoughts to give thanks for the timely presence of the girl, who had come to remind them of Jesus' teaching.

The Master's words, so simple and yet so profound, would be enough to change the world, and certainly her son, Fernando, would also change, aided by her friend Sylvia!


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 23/7/2012.)



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