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Year 6 - N° 284 – October 28, 2012

São João Del Rei, MG (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br


The huge numbers of the life and work of Chico Xavier


Leonardo Marmo Moreira

Besides being elected the “Greatest Brazilian in History” in a survey done by Epoca magazine, the late medium was chosen this year, in a competition organized by a Brazilian television network, the “Greatest Brazilian of All Times”

Chico Xavier was a multivalent medium, that is, his medium faculties were multi-faceted. Among them we highlight, obviously, psychography, which work comprises different subjects and approaches within the principles of Spiritualism and the Gospel. In fact, evangelical messages, romances, poetry, chronicles, short stories, spiritual and non-spiritual reports, historical evaluations, children’s books, letters (spiritual mail), among others, constitute kinds of texts contemplated with a copious array of examples by the work of the medium Francisco de Paula Candido Xavier.

The number of titles published amount to over 460. In fact, 412 works by the medium of Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais were published while he was incarnated, but the publication of unedited works of the medium already sum up 50 works, totaling over 460 books published. This colossal body of work has already sold approximately 45 million copies, making Chico Xavier the most read author in Latin America. In fact, Chico Xavier is the most successful Brazilian author, according to “Isto e” magazine (February of 2010, Issue 2103). According to “Isto e” Magazine he has already sold twice as much as Paulo Coelho, our reference of a best-seller. In February 2010, therefore over 2 years ago, his 458 books (at that time) comprised approximately 45 million copies sold, according to Cesar Perri, director of the Brazilian Spiritualistic Federation (FEB). “’Nosso Lar’ alone, has sold 2.5 million copies in 15 languages”, mentioned the afore mentioned director of FEB.

Chico Xavier psychographed seven (7) of the ten (10) best spiritualistic books of the 20th Century, according to a survey done by the spiritualistic press (Organizacoes Candeia), which consulted renowned names of the Brazilian Spiritualistic movement in order to arrive at this classification. 

“Parnassus from Beyond the Grave”, from 1932, was his first work 

First place was given to “Nosso Lar” (Our Home), dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz (First place: “Nosso Lar”, Andre Luiz/ Chico Xavier; Second place: “Paulo and Estevao”, Emmanuel Chico Xavier; Third place : “Parnassus from Beyond the Grave” Various Spirirts/ Chico Xavier Fourth Place: “The Problem of Being, Destiny and Pain”, Léon Denis; Fifith place: “Memories of a Suicide”, Camilo Castelo Branco/Yvonne A. Pereira; Sixth place: “In the Path of Light”, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier; Seventh place: “The Spirit and the Time”, José Herculano Pires; Eight place: “Two Thousand Years Ago”, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier; Ninth placer: “Evolution in Two Worlds”, André Luiz/Chico Xavier-Waldo Vieira; Tenth place: “Missionaries of the Light”, André Luiz/Chico Xavier.

Despite the intellectual elevation of his work, Chico Xavier only attended, in terms of formal education, primary school, because he had to provide for his family. These facts make the moral content, the high level of style in the language and the total volume of his psychography even more impressive.

“Parnassus from Beyond the Grave” (book of poetry published in 1932), his first psychographed work is to this day a complex enigma for literature scholars of a materialistic inclination, for Chico brought back great names of literature in the Portuguese language, from Brazil and Portugal (56 disincarnated poets), through completely unpublished poems. The poems showed, undoubtedly, the peculiar style of each poet, which was ratified by the analysis of various renowned authors of that time, such as Menotti Del Picchia and Humberto de Campos.

According to an entry in the web site of Uniao Espirita Mineira (UEM), obtained from Zenon Vilela, Chico Xavier psychographed a few works in record time, as follows:

In 1952, Chico psychographed 2 books in 2 days: “Roteiro” (Script) from Emmanuel (172 pages) and “Pai Nosso” (Our Father)  from Meimei (104 pages).   

In 1963, Chico psychographed 2 books in 2 days (in this instance, half the works, once they were works psychographed by Chico Xavier and Waldo Vieira): Spiritualistic Opinion (204 pages in total); and “Sex and Destiny” (360 pages in total). 

“Two Thousand Years Ago” was his first romance written as a medium 

On March 31st,1969, a hundred years after the passing of Allan Kardec, Chico psychographed 2 books on the same Day: “Passos da Vida) (156 pages) and “Estante da Vida” (184 pages).

His first romance written as a medium “Two Thousand Years Ago” was psychographed in a short period of time, from 10/24/1938 to 2/9/1939 (approximately 3 and a half months), between his professional activities. Such psychography calls attention, because the so-called “roman chronology” was recognized by specialists in the subject.

It fomented directly and indirectly a colossal number of works of evangelical-doctrinarian content from other spiritualists and non-spiritualist authors, who stood by orientations, medium experiences, life experiences, evangelical-doctrinarian dissertations and specific works within the spiritualistic movement narrated and experienced by Chico Xavier. There are over one hundred (100) biographical books inspired by the life of Chico Xavier alone.

He took part in the direction and doctrinarian orientation of countless spiritualistic houses in Pedro Leopoldo and in Uberaba, especially Centro Espirita Luiz Gonzaga (Pedro Leopoldo-MG), a Comunhao Espirita Crista (Uberaba-MG) and Grupo Espirita da Prece (Pedro Leopoldo). He acted as a channeling medium in countless disobssesion sessions, in which he was an instrument of the evangelical-doctrinarian teaching of a great number of suffering Spirits.

He was materialization medium and took parts in many sessions of materialization, in which extraordinary phenomena were verified by many reputable spiritualists and non-spiritualists alike.

He channeled many messages from Spirits who, at the time of dying left their families desperate, thus becoming a vehicle of the confirmation of immortality, of comfort and hope for thousands of families. In fact, the so-called “Mail of Light” a difficult task for constituting a somewhat public medium session, caused great physical strain to the medium, not harming the psychography of the afore mentioned books, which were written in alternative hours. 

Chico Xavier never took advantage of his works  

The so-called “Mail of Light” was developed with Chico Xavier surrounded by 400 to 500 people on average, giving credit to medium communications, including handwriting analysis of the “dead”.

He never received any financial recourse from his 412 channeled books in life, becoming an incomparable example of the practice of gratuitous mediumship, that is, the true spiritualistic mediumship. All his copyrights were donated to charitable institutions, to which they contributed to the maintenance of charities for the needed.

His medium excellence was never an obstacle to the faithful accomplishment of his activities in the material realm, which were done superbly. In fact, according to some biographers, he never missed one single day at work.

A study developed by specialists in the area of mediumship and natural sciences, it was noted that Chico Xavier showed a brain scan like the profile of someone with epilepsy, although in his 92 years of life the medium never showed any symptoms of this illness. This fact, which is still a reference for the current studies about mediumship, shows that in no way the medium he was “pretending”, that is to say, the so-called “altered state of consciousness” was real. In fact, it’d be impossible the accomplishment of any intellectual work, not to mention the kind that was done by Chico Xavier, during an outbreak of epilepsy.

He sponsored and guided a countless number of mediums, lecturers, writers and spiritualistic directors in their respective doctrinarian activities through brotherly dialogue, through letters, becoming a reference and an indirect guide to a great number of spiritualistic houses in Brazil.

He awoke and inspired many people to study, to join and work with Spiritualism, due to the excellence of his work, from a intellectual-moral point of view, as well as the moral excellence of his life.  

Despite being poor, he was the bread-winner 

He overcame sectarian prejudices from religious people, scientists and materialists, inspiring respect from other religious denominations towards himself, mediumship and the Spiritualistic Doctrine, contributing decisively to lowering the level of prejudice against Spiritualism in our society.

He was offended, slandered, sued and physically attacked countless time, without ever fighting back, denoting a patience and moral discipline, in face of all kinds of pressure, that are very rare in all the history of mankind, even among individuals who are reference of true behavioral santity.

He contributed with material charities, helping a great number of individuals in need in Pedro Leopoldo and Uberaba, either though his work of spiritualistic promotion and social assistance of the entities he is linked to, or through his personal effort. It is worth remembering, that in a piece done by Jorge Rizzini, was aired in “Globo Reporter” (a tv program), lines of people flocked to Uberaba around Christmas, when countless people in need were assited.

He kept a very high professional level in his activities associated with the “material bread”, without harming his medium-evangelical-doctrinarian activities, as well as his excellence as a medium was never an obstacle to his activities in the material tasks.

He was a reference of citizenship and education for spiritualist and non-spiritualists in Pedro Leopoldo and Uberaba, cities in Minas Gerais where he lived, respectively for 48 and 44, approximately.

Chico Xavier was the Bread winner of his family, having a total of 14 siblings, eight (8) of them from the marriage of his father, Sr. Joao Xavier, with his mother, Dona Maria Joao de Deus. Out of their nine children – Maria Candida, Luiza, Carmosina, Jose, Maria de Lourdes, Chico Xavier, Raimundo, Maria da Conceicao e Geralda – six, including Chico, were given to Godparents and friends. It’s worth pointing out that Chico suffered a lot during this phase of his life, because he was given to his Godmother Rita de Cassia, who was a troubled woman, who used to beat him up at least three (3) times daily, besides submitting him to humiliations. 

People of Brazil elected him the greatest Brazilian in history 

This phase lasted about two (2) years. The other six (6) brothers were the fruit of his father’s second marriage, who, after the passing of Dona Maria Joao de Deus, married Dona Cidalia Batista. His six new sblings - Andre Luiz, Lucilia, Neusa, Cidalia, Doralice e João Candido – gave him a great number of nieces and nephews. Chico helped them all materially and spiritually, being crucial for the material upkeep of the family, including the upbringing of his nephews and nieces, especially after the premature passing of his older brother, Jose Xavier, and the rheumatism of his father, Joao Xavier.

Being born to a poor family, he suffered all sorts of hardships in order to keep up the charitable work, which was a constant throughout his life of 92 years. As we all know, he disincarnated on 6/30/2002.

He slept an average of only 4 hours a day in order to be able to conclude all the material and spiritualistic/ spiritual that constituted the approximately 20 hours remaining and each of the seven days a week, without stop.

He suffered with countless health problems throughout his existence, such as tuberculosis, cataract, heart failure, angina, prostate problems, a blind eye, etc.; he never claimed physical indisposition or material impediment for the accomplishment of his task.

He adopted, brought up and educated as his own son, Euripedes Higino dos Reis, who graduated as a dentist in Uberaba-MG.

He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in the beginning of the 1980’s in a campaign that mobilized great names of the country. He was elected the “Mineiro of the Century”, in a promotion held by Telemar and Globo Network. Through and election organized by independent auditors of the Internal Revenue Service he was considered one of the eight (8) greatest personalities of the world side-by-side Mother Tereza of Calcuta, Nelson Mandela, Sabin, Carlitos, Santos Dumont, Gandhi and Che Guevara. He was elected the “Greatest Brazilian in History” in a promotion held by Epoca Magazine in 2006 and, on the 3rd of October of this year, was the winner of a ‘competition’ organized by SBT which consecrated him as “The Greatest Brazilian of All Times”.



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