Science in the face of
natural scourges
This week’s editorial, “Besides
indomitable, Nature is
unpredictable”, comments
on the effects of Hurricane
Sandy and the condemnation
of seven experts by an
Italian court, found guilty
because they had not
predicted the earthquake
that destroyed L'Aquila,
Denis Gleyce Pinto Moreira,
of Belém do Pará, is our
interviewee this week.
Attached to the Spiritist
Center Jesus of Nazareth and
the Love and Charity Group,
both in Belém, and author of
The Great Transition
of Earth: the Sense of
Urgency, the
colleague says it is
necessary to release man
from the lie that the
establishment imposes on us
by associating happiness
with consumption. The
interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article titled “Of truth,
charity and salvation
according to Jesus”,
written by our colleague
Davilson Silva, from São
Paulo-SP. In the article, he
says that charity which
Jesus witnessed during his
earthly life and especially
by his death and
resurrection, is the
principal driving force
behind the authentic
development of every person
and of all humanity.
In late October, Divaldo
Franco returned to Australia
for a series of lectures.
One was held in Rockdale, as
shown in the story by Lucia
Flores Moehlecke, which is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
Yesterday, November 10th,
we commemorated the birthday
of Amalia Domingo Soler, who
was born in 1835 in Seville,
Spain. Great exponent of the
Spanish spiritist movement,
Amalia is very well known in
Brazil by her works,
especially "Memories of
Father Herman," which is
considered one of the
classics of spiritist
literature that delights all
who read it.