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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 6 - N° 291 – December 16, 2012

Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


Homeland of the Gospel: unique facts

Gebaldo José de Sousa

Spiritual planning is developed throughout long periods. It is never rushed. It occurs almost imperceptibly to the incarnate beings.

Humberto de Campos,(as spirit1 ), indicates that Jesus visited the skies of Brazil between 1375 and 1400.

Associating what is told us in the next two items, we see that these curious occurrences were not casual. They are the unfolding of planned actions.

1. The book Brazil, heart of the world, homeland of the Gospel 1 -received through automatic writing in 1938 - indicates that "(...) it was in the last quarter of the 14th century that the Lord wished to perform one of his periodic visits to Earth, (...) "

And he did it in the company of great caravan of Angels, including Helil (Ishmael), whom the Lord recommended to be "(...) the custodian of the immortal assets that constitute the Land of the Cross".

"— The tree of my gospel of mercy and love will be transplanted to this wonderful and blessed land. In its soil (...) all peoples of the Earth will learn the law of universal brotherhood. "

"That is why Brazil, where all peoples of the Earth fraternize today (...), already featured in its contours, the geographical shape of the heart of the world."

2. In a book written in 1936 2, the sociologist and historian Sérgio Buarque de Holanda writes:

"In Brazil, the coastal exploration practised by the Portuguese found one more easiness in the fact that the coast was inhabited by a single indigenous family which, from North to South, spoke the same language. It is this language, readily learned, tamed and adapted in some places by the Jesuits, to the laws of classical syntax, which would be used for the intercourse with the other peoples of the country, even those of diverse class. Everything makes us believe that, in its expansion along the coastline, the Portuguese had always been preceded, in a short time, by the extensive migrations of Tupi people (...).

 (...)"The establishment of the Tupi-Guarani through the coast seemed to have occurred relatively recently, when the first Portuguese landed on our shores. (...)

"Even after the Portuguese colonization had begun, we saw a new extension of the Tupi people, reaching Maranhão and the banks of the river Amazonas. (...)

"And it is significant that the Portuguese colonization was not made firm or prospered much outside these regions, which before were populated by the indigenous language. These, one would say that only would prepare the ground for the Lusitanian conquest. And where the expansion of the Tupi people suffered a hiatus, the white colonization was also interrupted, save in exceptional cases (...). " (Emphasis added)

Few countries have the mix of peoples and cultures as the Brazil 

These facts clearly indicate spiritual intervention in human actions, and, in this case, the participation of indigenous peoples is emphasized, who well fulfilled their roles by not only facilitating this coastal occupation by the Portuguese, but with its slave labour – many of them succumbed, not resisting the ill-treatment and the efforts spent. And these facts are barely disclosed!

The Indian women- until then, the only women in this new land – were the generous mothers of the ' first ' mixed-race Brazilians, their children with Europeans.

Still more extraordinary is the influence in the formation of the spoken language in Brazil and in the eating habits, which linger to this day and will continue throughout time!

3. There are features of our country that differ markedly from other people, from other Nations.

"There are few of those who highlight the mix of peoples and cultures that there is here. A unique case in the world. These mixtures are really an odd thing, not just in the blood, but in several cultural aspects. Here there is a blend of religions, music, culinary arts, etc. The varieties of pasta recipes, brought here by the Italians, which shock the Italians. The kibbeh, an Arab delicacy, stuffed with Italian ricotta. (...)The characteristically Brazilian dish, rice with beans, is also a ' sui generis ' and, according to the scholars, more nutritious that each of its components, if eaten separately. (...)

In Brazil what is expected is not just a material development, but the spiritual development. It is the laboratory where he prepares a new civilization based on spiritual values. (...)” 3 (our highlight)

4. Summary of article by S. Xavier4, which records some traits of the collective Brazilian personality:

– The ethnic mix naturally favours acceptance of men from other homelands;

– The near absence of major internal conflicts and wars favoured a culture of peace;

– The numerous works of social assistance, mostly religious, attest to the vitality of the ideal of operative brotherhood;

– Solidarity in neighbourly relations, especially in the more humble layers of society, is easily perceived by foreign observers, who visit us, and who stress and admire that fact;

– Mediumship does carry out extraordinary work here, the importance of which we are not completely given access to, but it certainly is not intended only for our environment, benefiting, progressively, other peoples; (our emphasis added).

 – Our entry into the modern context dates from the arrival of the Royal family, in 1808, with the installation of libraries, printers, industries and other institutions with more autonomy. 

Abroad, the best of Brazil is the people, more than the beaches and tropical climate 

5. " Flares of light from Brazil wake up the crew of Mir"5 — (Mir, in Russian, means both peace, world and universe. It was the first long-term inhabited orbital scientific research space station in space.)

In response to a journalist about how they saw Brazil, looking at it from the cosmos. Mr. Yuri Romanenko, a Russian astronaut, the author of a revelation stated: "(...) the cosmonauts know when they are over Brazil, even if sleeping, because they perceive small bursts of light (...) " that hurt their retinas.

They have been attributed to the iron ore; but there is this mineral in other countries, without this phenomenon occurring.

Scientists (...) find no explanation to the fact only Brazil emits these special lights, "(...) an abnormality not seen in any other part of the Earth" , according to the cosmonauts. (emphasis from the original.)

6. "A Brazilian way of being" is the title of a magazine report ISTO É6. Here are some excerpts:

"Abroad, the best of Brazil is the people, more than the beaches, tropical climate and nature."

The country of sea, sun, carnival and football is admired here and outside for its 8.5 million square kilometres of beautiful body. But those who know Brazil closely become passionate for the tropical and mixed-race soul of Brazil: its people, suffered, but certainly generous.

Foreign tourists come here attracted by the beaches in the first place (31%), by the tropical climate in second place (20%) and by the natural beauty of the country as third reason(16%). Only 8% cited the Brazilian people as a reason to come to Brazil for their holidays.

On leaving Brazil, this equation is reversed. Upon leaving the country, more than half of foreign note to the question 'What is most positive in Brazil?', its people (52%). The soul of our country is seen as our great heritage and the body comes in second place: the beaches and the Sea (28%); the country's natural beauty (22%); and the sun and the tropical climate (19%). This is what being revealed by the survey of 1,203 tourists in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Salvador, Recife, Natal, Fortaleza and Manaus, by Vox Populi Institute, commissioned by the Brazilian Tourism Institute (EMBRATUR), a organisation attached to the Ministry of tourism.

A German professor says that " what is most admired in Brazil are the Brazilians, who he describes as ' grown children’. They are pure, very friendly and open-hearted people. We don't have that kind of thing in Europe ".

Despite the poverty and violence that makes them constant victims, the "gringos" (foreigners) are delighted with the Brazilians, who for them they are "friendly, cheerful, happy, friendly, kind, and cordial". They feel welcome because the people who receive them do so in an "affable and helpful way". 

Foreigners see in Brazilians a great tolerance with other religions and customs 

One of the greatest anthropologists of the country, Roberto Damatta jokes on hearing about the findings: "Only we do not see it." He considers the result of the study "rewarding", "especially for those like me who has always written in favour of Brazil." It is to do with a unsuspected view according Damatta. "This shows that the Brazil cost is not only negative." According to him, foreigners feel openness to the new in the country and feel that the Brazilian has great capacity to manage differences.


At various times, research shows that the best souvenir that tourists take home is that of the Brazilian people.


Foreigners see in Brazil a great tolerance for other religions and customs, unlike many people in the troubled world of today, 94% agreed with the statement "The Brazilian people are respectful and open to foreigners."

This ease with which Brazilians embrace different people can find its explanations in "cunhadismo” (brothering–in-law) - which, according to Darcy Ribeiro in his book O povo brasileiro (The Brazilian people), is the social institution that enabled the formation of our people. It was to do with the Indians' old habit of incorporating strangers into the village.

7. Darcy Ribeiro, in his book "O povo brasileiro – A formação e o sentido do Brasil” 7 (The Brazilian people - The formation and meaning of Brazil), written and rewritten over thirty years, as "(...) a gesture in my new fight for a decent Brazil", speaks of Brazilians as a new ethnic group, composed of Indians, Africans and Europeans:

"(...) a new people, made up of people coming from everywhere." "(...) the great historic heritage of Brazil is a feat of its own constitution as a people ethnically, nationally and culturally unified."

In Brazil, of Indians and blacks, the colonial work of Portugal was also radical. Its real product was not gold which was anxiously sought and found. (...) "Its real product was a people-nation, shaped here mainly by miscegenation, which multiplies prodigiously as a humanity brunette in bloom, awaiting its fate. Clear, simple destination, of simply being, among the peoples, and the existence for themselves. "

He notes that he wrote it moved "for ethical reasons and by a deep patriotism (...) that he aspires to influence people, that he aspires to help Brazil to find itself."

Dorival Caymmi concludes the beautiful lyrics of ' João Valentão' with the verses:

"And so this man falls asleep
Who never needs to sleep to dream
Because there isn’t more beautiful dream
Than his land, no! "

Our renowned anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997) - in line with this poetic declaration of love to Brazil – concludes his precious book with the formidable text:

"We are building ourselves in the struggle to flourish tomorrow as a new civilization; mixed and tropical, proud of herself. Happier, because it is more experienced. Better, because it incorporates in itself more humanity values. More generous, because it is open to the coexistence with all races and all cultures and because sits on the most beautiful and luminous province of the Earth. "

There will certainly be other remarkable occurrences relating to the Fatherland of the Gospel! We highlight those that are of our knowledge. Those who might have knowledge of others that deserve to be disclosed, please point them to us! 



1.                  XAVIER, Francisco C. Brasil, Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho (Brazil, Heart of the World, Fatherland of the Gospel) By the spirit named Humberto de Campos. 12th Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1979, Page 19, 36, 23/4 and 25, respectively;

2.                  HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de. Raízes do Brasil. 10th Edition. Rio de Janeiro, J. Olympio, 1976, pages 71-72.

3.                  CHAGAS, Aécio P. e VICHI, Eduardo J. S. REFORMADOR, Rio de Janeiro, volume 111, pages 208/210, July 1993: “Brasil, Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho?( Brazil, Heart of the World, Fatherland of the Gospel?)”;

4.                  SEI Bulletin 1673, of 22.04.00;

5.                  Folha de São Paulo’s reporting articles published on 9th and 10.12.88; mentioned by The Reformer on September 1990, Page 262;

6.                 ISTOÉ monthly magazine publication , 1840 Edition, 19/01/2005, reporting article with title: Um jeito brasileiro de ser, by reporters Ana Carvalho e Florência Costa (Colaborou Celina Côrtes);

7. RIBEIRO, Darcy. O povo brasileiro: a formação e o sentido do Brasil (The Brazilian people - The formation and meaning of Brazil)  3rd Edition. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008, pages 247, 68, 17 and 455, respectively.



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