Featured in this issue, the
roots of human perversity
The subject is featured in
the special article entitled
"Roots of human
perversity," authored by
our colleague Ricardo Baesso
de Oliveira, from Juiz de
Fora, MG, in which the
author recalls that,
according to the spiritist
teachings, it was not God
the creator of human
perversity as seen that He
created us simple and
ignorant, thus devoid of
virtues and defects.
This week’s editorial, "The
materialistic ideas and
their consequences"
shows the differences
between the materialistic
and Christian views of life
and the world in which we
Another highlight of this
edition is the interview
given to our collaborator
Antonio Augusto Nascimento
by the colleague José
Francisco do Amaral, from
Panambi-RS, one of the
founders and current vice
president of the Spiritist
Society Christ, Love and
Charity, located in the same
city. According to him, the
dissemination of Spiritism
in this transitional phase
that the planet is passing
by is of great importance.
The 7th World
Spiritist Congress was held
in Havana, Cuba, from March
22nd to 24th,
and it was a success that
brought together, as
expected, a large audience.
Divaldo Franco was one of
the highlights of the event,
as shown in the special
report by Ana Moraes, which
is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
Today, March 31st,
the spiritist calendar
highlights two important
moments in the history of
Spiritism. The first,
occurring in 1848, refers to
the Hydesville phenomena,
which led, years later, to
the advent of Spiritism. The
second, which occurred in
1869, refers to the
discarnation of Allan
Kardec, the Codifier of the
spiritist doctrine.