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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 311 – May 12, 2013
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


What is essential to obsession’s treatment

Occasionally the theme obsession gets back to the discussion because, as we know, many of our readers are people who are taking their first steps with regard to the knowledge of spiritual doctrine. Furthermore, the obsession remains one of the reasons that it has led most spiritists and non-spiritists to seek help in the spiritists’ centers and institutions.

A frequent question relates to works in which the subject is treated objectively by Allan Kardec. In the editorial of issue 289, published in December last year, it was already referred to it. Here is the link that allows the reader to access the editorial: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano6/289/editorial.html

Kardec examined the subject in several texts of Spiritist Magazine and works Genesis, The Mediums’ Book and Posthumous Works, but it is the chapter 28 of The Gospel According to Spiritism, which you will find a practical roadmap that elucidates how the obsessions should be treated.

In chapter to which it is referred, the Encoder of Spiritism initially warns that the cure of serious obsessions requires patience, perseverance and devotion and requires tact and skill, because it is necessary for the task to succeed, that we send for good spirits often wicked, hardened and crafty.

Kardec reminds us that, whatever the character of the Spirit that causes obsession, nothing will be obtained by coercion or by threat, but only by ascending morale of those who dedicate themselves to the task. That is why it is completely ineffective practice of exorcism or the use of formulas, amulets, talismans or any object that resembled.

It is necessary to act on the intelligent being that causes obsession, to which matter is talk with authority that only exists where there is moral superiority. The goal is to persuade or induce the perverse Spirit to give up its evil designs and make it inducts repentance and desire for good through instruction expertly taught, whose goal is it moral education.

Another important observation made by Kardec is in the too long obsession can cause pathological disorders and therefore it usually requires treatment simultaneously or in succession, by means of magnetism and traditional medicine, with a view to restoring the health of the person suffering from obsessive harassment. And even when the cause is removed, there is still fighting the effects.

In severe cases of obsession, the obsessed think as he is wrapped and impregnated with a pernicious fluid that counteracts the action of salutary fluids and repels them. It is therefore important that fluid untangle it, which is why we resort to so-called magnetic passes, whose effectiveness is well known from people who study the spiritual doctrine.

The participation of the individual who undergoes the process - called obsessed - it is another point that Kardec highlights in the work to which it is referred. It is necessary to the obsessed to fortify its soul, working for its moral improvement, making the part that it should do, without it, it will be difficult to get the desired result.

In this regard, Encoder asserts that the disobsession task appears easier when the obsessed, understanding its situation, renders contest its will and its prayers, modifying morally, adopting new behavior and seeking to improve itself spiritually, right that, with regard to obsessive processes, the best doctor is always itself.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism