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Year 7 - N° 334 – October 20, 2013

Biguaçu, SC (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br 


João Fernandes da Silva Junior

The Ancient Astronauts Theory  

Have we been visited in the past by beings from other worlds?
If so, what was the purpose?

The issues presented here are quite important since Spiritists, in general, do not have access to them, precisely because they, apparently, seem to be out of the doctrinal context. However, as you go on reading, you will become aware of how much the Ancient Astronaut Theory has to do with the Doctrine. Moreover, we cannot forget a very important fact noted by the Encoder (The Book of Spirits, Prolegomena):

"Among the Spirits, who contributed to the completion of this work, several of them lived on Earth at different times, where they preached and practiced virtue and wisdom. Others do not belong, by name, to any historical character kept by memory, but their spiritual development is attested by the purity of their doctrine and their bond with those with a worshiped name." (Our emphasis.) Among some of the names recorded by History, we find St. Louis, Plato etc., who were at that time already reincarnated in other worlds. St. Louis, through the psychic information, which he himself provided, was an inhabitant of Jupiter and came to Earth on a mission. Bach lived in Europe (one of the many satellites of the planet Jupiter). Plato was an inhabitant of Uranus, and so on.

While the Spiritist Codification was being elaborated, they left their physical bodies on their worlds, and came in spirit to provide the necessary clarifications to the composition of that important knowledge. This fact alone has served to create a connection point between intelligent beings living on other worlds and the awakening of human consciousness to higher matters. Just as was done also in the remote past. For the basis of all religions is the same as of Spiritism, with the difference that Spiritism possesses a rational explanation for what was once considered simply fantastic events.

Spirits incarnated in other planets also had part in the Spiritist Codification 

Here, we have attached information to create a link between past and present events within the Spiritist context. We cannot forget that life beyond Earth is a concept widely disclosed by Spiritist and Spiritualist works. The arrival of the Capelins on Earth now serves as a good example of the existence of intelligent life outside "our" world.

Spirits incarnated on other planets had part in the Spiritist Codification, bringing new light to expand human knowledge about God, the Universe and ourselves. After all, they were missionaries sent to enlighten us about all that we ignored.

With base on a Spiritist point of view, we seek to furnish an insight of remote events that still today amaze researchers and this only happens due to the lack of an expanded understanding, which Spiritism provides.

Life is a universal phenomenon and, unfortunately, world powers, which already have knowledge about this, unashamedly hide this important news.

We are not speaking here of outlandish conspiracies or interplanetary plots between humans and beings from other worlds. We approach real and documented facts.

We do not want to throw fuel on the fire of ignorance, but we do want to help turn the light on events that are little known and kept in almost absolute secrecy by governments and military men of almost every nation on Earth.

We will scrutinize, from the very first chapter, the main reason for the difficulty found by researchers, in general, to accept the real existence of life outside our planet. Therefore, we invite you for a "tour." A simple change of view can help a lot to find answers to what was once an insoluble enigma. We are already developed enough to understand what in the past was kept as a restricted secret for the same usual reason: people kept in ignorance are governed more easily ... 

Our world does not occupy a prominent position in the Cosmos, or the solar system itself 

The traditional Archeology does not have the answers to the cyclopean constructions and other works built with megalithic rocks weighing thousands of tons (and no technology existed at that time to perform such kind of feat).

Moreover, because of that, these issues were left without a convincing explanation, giving rise to various assumptions and absurd theories that nothing can really explain, and seem purposely designed to confuse.

The Ancient Astronauts Theory provides answers to these questions, but simultaneously opens a nearly endless number of new questions. Of one thing, however, we have no doubts: now if it is already possible to predict some of the achievements that will be held in the Earth's future, our past has also a large amount of knowledge that can open "other doors" to our understanding. This world was not inhabited in the past only by ignorant beings, which ate like animals and smelled as bad as these smell. Beings of this sort could not have produced the colossal constructions, which are currently unfeasible. With no engineers, no technique, no knowledge, no machinery etc., would they have done alone all that has been found scattered around the planet? Certainly not.

The lack of appropriate answers to the amount of achievements made ​​in the past makes us think, perhaps by looking at the stars and distant worlds, trying to find the answers that can definitely solve our questions.

It is unacceptable to continue behaving as if we were the "utmost" of Creation in cultural and technological development terms.

Our world does not occupy a prominent position in the Cosmos, not even in our own solar system. 

Ancient peoples' legends are similar and refer to the same events. What is the reason for this? 

The same "cause" that gave rise to intelligent life on Earth could have generated the same effect on a multitude of countless planets scattered by cosmic immensity. It is even more consistent to have happened this way than continuing to think we are an exception and we are abandoned in the infinity of outer space ... Incidentally, in fact, we cannot even think that we are unique in the Universe due to everything that is being discussed here. More likely, we are a "result" and not a "cause"...

If we are alone in the Cosmos, then we must believe that a very serious epidemic spread in Prehistory and contaminated all the paintings of those times, where figures are portrayed in quite a similar way (representing images worthy of any fan of science fiction stories). And another epidemic, possibly associated with a high degree of insanity, caused those men to transport - we cannot make out how they did it - colossal blocks of rock that weighed thousands of pounds to simply build a "beautiful building" to stand under it looking up to heaven, gazing at lifeless stars ...

Why are the legends of ancient people - many of them completely unaware of the existence of other peoples - similar when regarding certain events, such as the flood, creation of a first couple, "gods" walking on Earth and teaching a number of things to uncultured men?

Why the obsession of ancient oriental peoples in portraying scenes of aerial battles, weapons exploding entire cities, etc...? At those remote times, there were no TVs, or fiction films, even less Hollywood ... 

How can we explain the existence of monuments that defy the millennia? 

How were ancient cultures able to build monuments that survived the millennia? What was the technology used? The Earth has gone through so many disasters since that time and these buildings remained intact, while volcanoes shook everything, earthquakes devastated everything, tsunamis destroyed villages on the shores of oceans, etc..., and presently earthquakes damage and crack most of the modern buildings...

Today, the world of archeology is filled with the most sophisticated technology thus enabling considerable progress. Moreover, these innovations - among other things - served for the archaeologists to discover, using satellites and 3D maps, several pyramids buried.

Thus, technology provides the accomplishment of discoveries and studies with no need of the initial excavation. Previously inaccessible locations now are first mapped for further excavation works. In addition, to quote only one example of the possibilities offered by the use of satellites, the Egyptologist, Dr. Sarah Parcak, used images and was able to observe about ten feet below the desert soil of Egypt seventeen unknown findings of pyramids and about a thousand tombs. Science is providing further optimization of time and research, taking into consideration less physical labor. Now archaeologists know exactly where they should dig to find something. Therefore, the discoveries keep accumulating...

Were we visited by beings from other worlds unknown to us? Did they come here to fulfill some important role? Were they missionaries who brought important achievements to remove the barbarism of ancient people? It is quite possible!


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