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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 362 – May 11, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Old Car 


Every week, Walter gathered his family to study the Gospel at home. And there, around the simple table, his wife Lucy and him along with their children Maria and Luke, who were five and seven years-old, would read and comment on the lessons of the Gospel.

That day, the text was directed especially to the children because it was about simplicity and purity of heart, and Jesus clearly said that he who does not receive the kingdom of God like a child would not be allowed in. And so that his children would understand it better, Walter explained to them that Jesus had taken children as an example because a child is pure, simple, always says what they think, do not lie, among other things.

After discussing the subject, the small meeting was closed with a prayer and they drank the fluidified water, with the blessings from the High Spheres.

They all felt great. The mother set the table for a snack amid general rejoicing. Soon they went to bed because they had to get up early. The next day they had breakfast and Walter said goodbye to his wife:

- Have a nice day, dear! Do not worry, I will take the kids to school.

Walter left accompanied by the children. After leaving them at school, he headed to work. Suddenly, in a crossing, the car broken down. He did everything he could but was forced to leave it and continue to work on foot.

He arrived at the company late and apologized for the delay, explaining the reason but his boss warned:

- I hope that it does not happen anymore, Walter. Just the other day you gave me the same excuse. Get it repaired or replace it with a newer car!

- You are right. I'll think about it – he agreed.

Walter started work worried. He did not make much but it was enough to support the house and his family. Thus, buying another car would be difficult! He could not afford it.

So he took the car to a friend's workshop, who examined the vehicle well:

- Walter, your car needs many repairs, including the engine which is in bad shape. You better sell this car and buy a new one.

He thanked the mechanic and left, worried. At home, he talked to his wife and explained the situation while the children played on the

carpet, and Lucia agreed:

- If there isn't another way out, sell the car. We will do without a car for awhile. You can go to work by bus, and I take the kids to school. Then, when we can, we'll buy another.

So Walter put the car up for sale. The very next day a buyer appeared.

It was Saturday. Walter, smiling, received the buyer and went to show him the car. Luke, who was playing nearby in the driveway stopped playing, and curious, stood by his father.

Walter opened the car so that man could see it inside. The buyer asked questions about the vehicle, to which he replied. Then, the man asked:

- Is your car in good shape, really, Walter? Everything works fine?

Walter, between a clear conscience of telling the truth and the desire to sell the car, embarrassed, replied:

- This car has served me well for many years without any problems.

- But, the engine is good, right? - insisted the other.

- Yes! - he agreed, full of shame.

Luke, upon hearing this, pulled on his father's pantleg. Turning around, he heard the little one say:

- Daddy, you must have forgotten! The engine is in need of repairing, remember?

The buyer looked at the boy then at the owner of the car who felt even worse for lying, and awkwardly, agreed:

- It's true. The engine is not very good, it needs repair.

Very seriously, feeling cheated, the buyer thanked him for his attention and said good-bye.

Inside the house, with heavy shoulders, full of shame at being caught red-handed lying, Walter threw himself on the couch, and became silent.

His son approached him and said:

- Dad, I'm sorry for what I said. It is just that I thought you had forgotten that the engine is not good, and I did not want you to tell a lie! Do you remember that Jesus said that we must have the simplicity and purity of heart of a child to enter the kingdom of God? I was afraid you would not tell the truth!

The father looked at his son, ran his hand over the little one's head and with tears in his eyes, agreed:

- You are absolutely right, son. We have to tell the truth always, even if it means a possible loss to us.

The mother, who had entered the room with her daughter and overheard the conversation, asked her husband:

- And now what do we do?

- I'll sell the car without any lies, telling the truth. Then, with time, maybe we can buy a better one?

- Yes, Walter. It is better to live more simply than letting go of the moral values that Jesus taught us - the mother agreed.

They hugged and father snuggling Luke to the heart, said:

- Thank you, son, for reminding me that the truth must

always be told, even if it may cause us some form of loss. I thank Jesus for giving me a son like you.




(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 14/04/2014.)



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