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Year 8 - N° 372 – July 20, 2014

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Gerson Simões Monteiro

Emmanuel and Abel Gomes speak about humankind in Mars and Saturn

Scientific research looks for evidence of aliens. Signals received on Earth. Psychic revelations about the inhabitants of the planets of our solar system. Unveiled the mystery of the canals on Mars.

When seeking for rational arguments to justify the doctrine of the plurality of inhabited worlds one cannot forget the vastness of the universe, with its countless planets, solar systems, galaxies and so on. With the advancement of astronomy and astrophysics an infinite universe is disclosed, and to say that only the Earth has the "privilege" of having human beings, it would be same as saying that this humanity is an exception within the natural or divine laws.

The Spirits teach us that the conditions of the worlds are different, regarding the degree of advance or inferiority of its inhabitants. Among these worlds there are some that are inferior to Earth, physically and morally; others equal our Earth; and others are more or less higher in all respects. In the lower worlds, the existence is material, and passions reign, with almost no moral life. As it develops, the influence of the material decreases. Thus, in the more developed worlds life is almost spiritual. 


Man seeks a confirmation of life on other planets. On the subject, the newspaper O Globo, of March 13, 2010, published in its Science notebook an article signed by the journalist Roberta Jansen, "The Silence of the ETs", summarizing the efforts of the astronomers and other scientists during the last 50 years to prove the existence of aliens. She begins by quoting the astronomer Frank Drake, who on April 8, 1950 pointed an antenna to a close star with the purpose of finding possible signs. However, all he heard, he said, was silence.

The astronomer Duilia Melo of the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, expert in the Hubble Telescope, states, however, that "the fact that we never found life does not mean it does not exist." 


Although the journalist says that research on intelligent life beyond Earth began in 1950, citing the astronomer Frank Drake, she ignored the experiences made by the California Institute of Technology, according to the following information delivered by the Spirit Humberto de Campos in his reports about Mars, contained in the book New Messages, published in 1939: 

"All major centers of this planet (Mars), explained our friend and spiritual mentor, feel uncomfortable by the harmful influences of Earth, the only orb with an unhappy aura in its closest vicinity. For many years, they have sent messages to Earth, through light waves, which merge with cosmic rays, the presence of which is registered by most of radio devices.

Not long ago, the California Institute of Technology inaugurated a long period of experiments to ascertain the validity of these mysterious messages to mankind on Earth, frequently registered by stratospheric balloons, according to statements obtained by Dr. Robert Millikan, in his scientific experiments." 

However, if the message received by Chico Xavier from the Spirit Humberto de Campos took place on July 25, 1939. Moreover, if the Spiritual Mentor uses the phrase "not long ago", that is, before that date, we can immediately conclude that earthly science is concerned with this issue almost 75 years ago, not 50, as stated by the journalist Roberta Jansen.

Incidentally, Dr. Robert Millikan, quoted in the message, was a famous American scientist in the 1920s and the second American to receive the Nobel Prize in physics, which occurred in 1923, for his study on elementary electronic charge and the photoelectric effect. He was a great scientist, and his religious side and philosophical nature were evident not only in the conference aimed at reconciliation between science and religion, but also in his four books.

Millikan saw in universe and human events the manifestation of a higher intelligence. He stated that the only valid basis for rational knowledge consisted in combining the physical with the spirit of religion. 


In fact, the astronomer Duilia Melo is right, because the revelations made by Maria Joao de Deus, through the medium Francisco Candido Xavier, in the book Letters from a Deceased, released in 1935, describing a trip to Mars, mentions the existence of human beings, as per the following text: 

"I found myself in front of a beautiful lake, near a city with similar buildings to those on Earth. (...) I saw men more or less similar to our human beings, but their bodies showed significant differences. Besides the arms, they had on their shoulders like wings, allowing them to fly. (...) The air is far lighter: they know the deep mysteries of electricity, which they use as masters; the buildings are similar to those on Earth; Life on Mars is more aerial - powerful machines; Although there are oceans, there is little water; plumbing systems; few mountains.

The Spiritual Mentor also assured that mankind in Mars progressed faster than on Earth and since the very beginning of their social nuclei, they never had to destroy to live, differently to mankind that kill to live and whose stomachs are always full of meat and remains of other beings of creation." 


In addition to this revelation of Mary Joao de Deus, the Spirit Humberto de Campos, also on a visit to Mars, observed that the forms of life existing in it are far superior to those on Earth. The Martian society is several centuries more advanced, morally and scientifically, than our planet, because there are no wars or conflicts. One can see through this report, the perfect agreement with the comments of the Spirit Maria Joao de Deus, including the ones about the superiority of the inhabitants of Mars.

The reports of the Spirit Humberto de Campos, through the medium Chico Xavier, are in the book New Messages, published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation in 1939. In it, Humberto also reveals the existence of water on Mars. It is worthwhile remembering that only in 2004, i.e. 65 years after the publication of this work, did NASA disclose the first direct chemical and geological evidence of water in the past of Mars, obtained by the robot Opportunity.

Later, in 2007, NASA scientists discovered the existence of huge deposits of ice at the south pole of Mars detected by the spacecraft Mars Express. If such deposits melt, they can become a significant source of water for Mars. Moreover, on July 31, 2008, the Phoenix probe, which explores the soil of Mars, has confirmed the existence of water on the planet.

The discovery came after Phoenix put soil samples into an instrument that identifies the gases produced by these substances. For technicians, it is the first time the existence of water is proven chemically. The scientist William Boynton, of the University of Arizona, said they already had evidence of ice on Mars Express observations, but this is the first time that water on Mars was touched and tasted. 


In a particular passage of the article "The silence of the Ets," by the journalist Roberta Jansen, there is the following comment regarding the existence of canals on Mars:  

"The idea of the existence of intelligent ETs began to gain strength and became part of the imagination of the population in general, and through science fiction writers in particular from observations made by the astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877, using a newly built telescope. Schiaparelli noted that, the surface of the red planet was marked by lines and intricate grooves, he called them canals. Still in the nineteenth century, the American astronomer Percival Lowell returned to the idea of Martian canals - he even set up a center to study them popularizing it. Such canals, stated Lowell, could only have been built by a superior intelligence. It got to the point that he came to find the region where the capital of Mars would have been, according to a confluence of canals." 

Regarding the existence of water conducting channels, let us see what Humberto de Campos says in the message about Mars, received by Chico Xavier:  

"Mars has fantastic cities due to its extraordinary beauty: long and wide avenues, buildings similar to those on Earth; the vegetation, of a red color, is much more exuberant than the one on Earth. Mars is an older brother and with more experience in life; its inhabitants always pray to the Lord of the Universe, for the benefit of earthly humanity; the bodies of their inhabitants are different to those on Earth; food is supplied through atmospheric forces." 

The Spirit Humberto de Campos also saw mighty flying machines that swung at the foot of the clouds; many of these are artificially produced clouds, to meet weaker kingdoms of nature: "At a distance, in the atmosphere vast clouds drifted slightly, of a bluish color, calling our attention. The caravan spiritual guide explained that they were thick lumps of steam water, created by powerful machines produced by Mars science, so that the shortcomings of the liquid in the poorest areas and those distant from the wide canal system, which puts the large polar oceans in continuous communication with each other".

However, if there is water there, and knowing that it is the most important element for life, in the same manner as here on Earth, then it is logical to admit, without fear of error, the existence of intelligent beings inhabiting the planet Mars, of course in another physical dimension. 


In the book Chronicles beyond the Tomb, the Spirit Humberto de Campos, through the psychographics of Chico Xavier, in Chapter 24, entitled "Peace and Truth", while reporting a meeting on spiritual planes, before the possibility of the outbreak of a war between nations on Earth, reports the following:  

"Great Spirits, which under the loving tutelage of Jesus direct the destinies of mankind, met recently in erraticity plans to discuss the method of establishing the Genius of Peace on Earth.

At this assembly of sages of spiritual and divine things, Mars Society elders were present, as well as Saturn scholars, and Apostles and scientists of Jupiter, and other representatives of life in our solar system." 


In the section "News", the book Talking to Earth, psychographic by medium Francisco Candido Xavier and edited by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation in 1951, the Spirit Abel Gomes, commenting on the activities of workers in higher planes, gives us the following information:  

"From these congregations of geniuses of goodness and work, of harmony and intelligence, missions of scholars, who are interested in our sphere, depart for other worlds.

Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and other giants of improvement in our global organization are constantly visited by such vanguard of light and love, for the exchange of needed enhancement to our earthly values. In many cases, these missionaries descend to the carnal experience in performing high tasks in politics, administration, science and religious faith, bequeathing to creatures grooves of inextinguishable light in the examples and experiences that they convey to younger generations." 


In the preface of the book Emmanuel, whose spiritual author is Emmanuel himself, psychographic by medium Chico Xavier, and published by the BSF (Brazilian Spiritist Federation) in 1938, there is the following comment, 

"(...) As well as Mars or Saturn have reached a more advanced state of knowledge, improving the conditions of their communities, your orb (Earth), also has a duty to improve itself, advancing by improving its laws to a higher stage in the universal frame". 


In the book Letters from a deceased, the Spirit Maria Joao de Deus, Francisco Candido Xavier's mother, psychographic by Chico himself, published in 1935, we found two chapters referring to Saturn and Mars. As for Mars, we have already mentioned it, but regarding the people from Saturn, she says:  

"The people from Saturn are unquestionably superior to the earthly ones. They have no vices, no wars; they use electricity to their full potential; they have nice houses in a graceful style. The spiritual author saw strange beings, extraordinarily ugly, moving up in the air in "graceful movements"; the inhabitants are more dedicated to spirituality; incurable diseases are unknown to them; vegetation: it is different from Earth. It is bluish and the seas are pinkish." 


To complete this matter on the plurality of inhabited worlds, let us read the comment of Allan Kardec to issue 55 of The Book of Spirits:  

"God populated the worlds with living beings, those beings competing for the ultimate goal of Providence. To believe that they only exist in the planet we live would be to doubt the wisdom of God, who did nothing useless. Surely, He gave these worlds a more serious fate than only to recreate our eyes. Incidentally, there is nothing, neither in position nor in the volume, or the physical constitution of the Earth, that may lead to the assumption that the Earth enjoys the privilege of being inhabited, excluding many billions of similar worlds." 

Finally, the teaching of Jesus: "Let your heart not be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. There are many mansions in my Father's house; were it not like this, I would have already told you, since I am leaving to go and prepare your place". (John, Chapter XIV., v. 1).

Gerson Monteiro Simoes, of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), is vice president of FUNTARSO, operator of Rio de Janeiro Radio.


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