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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 410 - April 19, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The president of Fraternity House, Araranguá, SC, speaks to the magazine 

“All sets of life belong to God” is the title of our editorial which talks about how unprepared and naïve are people that deceive by their own ambition and believing in impunity, get involved in corruption acts.

Cátia Sirlene Gonçalves Hahn, president of Fraternity House, Araranguá (SC), awarded twice by the project Child Hope, Globo Network, talks about the educative work done by the institution, an example to be copied by spirits worldwide. The interview given is one of the highlights of this current edition. 

Another spot of the week is the special titled “Ectoplasm”, from the author and medium Eurípedes Kühl. The article, which focus on a rare commented subject at spirits journals, was divides in two parts and will be concluded in the next edition of this magazine. 

Giovana Campos headed to a special report, which also constitutes one of the highlights of this edition titles “The indigo girl”, which is being finished and soon will bring the actor Renato Prieto back to films. The film is about spirituality and creativity of the children in modern times.  

Yesterday, April 18th, it was celebrated worldwide the 158th anniversary of The Spirit’s Book, Allan Kardec, the first and main spirit work, which launched date - April 18th 1857 – was considered an initial milestone at the doctrine. 


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism