Edmir Garcia speaks to the
magazine about Conrespi
“Homeland of Gospel, where
do you walk?” is the title
of this week editorial, in
which it is analyzed one
proposed question in a
social web, on the supposed
condition of the Homeland of
Gospel attributed by
Humberto de Campos to our
Edmir Garcia, president of
Ribeirão Preto USE, is our
interviewed. He is from
Bebedouro (SP) and He is
also president of the Spirit
Centre “From Calvary to
Heaven” and the Bebedouro
Intermunicipal USE, he talks
to the magazine about
Conrespi, traditional spirit
event which happens every
year around Ribeirão Preto
USE region. The interview is
one of the highlights of the
present edition.
Another spot is the Especial
“Renewal with Jesus”, by
Rogério Coelho, Muriaé (MG).
Reminding that according to
Spiritims, all obsessions
have foundations on
reciprocity, the writer
shows clearly as it must be
done the disobsession work
before spirit teachings.
During April 22 to 26,
Divaldo Franco spoke to
Portuguese spirits in
Setúbal, Santarém, Leiria,
Costa da Caparica and
Lisbon, as it is shown a
especial report which is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
As a date like today – May
24th –
disembodied in 1957, at the
age 84, the known Esperanto
Francisco Waldomiro Lorenz.
He was born in Zbislav,
Czech Republic today; Lorenz
came to Brazil in 1891, at
age 19. He lived at first in
Rio de Janeiro and then
Minhas Gerais and Rio Grande
do Sul. He was able to
communicate in more than one
hundred languages,
translated books from
Sanskrit, Hebrew, ancient
Greek, English, French,
Italian, Chinese, Japanese
and Arabic. In Brazil,
Lorenz stood out as one of
the main promoters of
Director of Writing: Astolfo
O. de Oliveira Filho
Administrative Director:
José Carlos Munhoz Pinto