Carla Virgínia Soares Fernandes (photo), better known in Brazil as Carla Visi, lives in her hometown of Salvador. She is an environmentalist, businesswoman, a successful singer known across the country who also finds time to dedicate herself to Spiritism. In the following interview, she speaks about carnival, politics and music under a Spiritist perspective:
How did you get to know Spiritism?
My mother used to attend the meetings at the May 13th Spiritist Centre in Salvador when I was a child. She used to take me very often, as there was no one else to look after me. I still remember Iná, a volunteer worker and dedicated Spiritist, describing how the Spiritual Benefactors were taking part of my seventh birthday party, throwing fluidic flowers and petals to mark the date. My mother always did the Gospel in the Home. She gave healing and, very determined and brave, always advised people who came to her with Spiritual problems.
You have been a singer since you were a child. Have you ever felt the presence of invisible beings helping you in your performance?
I began to sing at home for fun. I had a very rich musical education. But only when I became a teenager I realised the power music had and how it touched me. Noticing that, my mother enrolled in piano lessons and began guiding me to become a proper singer. I always had a light approach to music. I believe that any stage is a great one and that any public deserves the best singing I can give them. I used to sing in bars and ended up suffering attacks from negative Spirits. At that time I had clairvoyance and often had very unpleasant visions. My mother was of great help then. I began a Journalism Course in 1989, with the prospect of becoming a professional journalist and leaving music simply as a hobby. But from 1987 until now, I haven’t stopped singing. In 1995 the whole thing took a different perspective. Before one of the owners of the band, Cheiro de Amor, invited to join me, I was visited by the Spirit of its founder, who had passed away some time before that. I saw a man in white many times, but couldn’t identify him. My mother one day asked his name and he signed his nickname. I was a bit worried about working during carnival because of the dense vibrations you get from the event. But I was at the time the singer of Cia. Clic and didn’t want to let them down. It was then that a Spirit, which I will call Spirit T., came to me and told me that it would be easy to send good vibration in a positive atmosphere. But, he added, healthy people don’t need doctors. He also told me that I would find out very soon who the new band members would be. I bought the idea of taking the best possible vibrations to people even during carnival. And what happen next? The musicians from Cia. Clic sued me. And thanks to Spirit T. I joined a new band, which “drove me” to success. We were great together for four and a half year. And when I sang I felt the love spreading and surrounding people. They stopped fighting, they stopped making trouble. Most of the times during carnival, my mother, who is a medium, was next to me. And she described to me the work being carried out by the Spiritual World. I eventually got exhausted, despite of doing meditation and yoga. I simply didn’t have the energy to carry on and talked to Spirit T. He told me the decision was mine. He only let me know that my mother would need to look after her health. I left the band in October 200, when my mother already had the initial symptoms of the cancer that would take her in April 2003. To this day I feel the presence of the Spirits next to me. I never sing alone. And, as difficult as it may seem, I always make a big effort not to sing any song that encourages violence, eroticism, prejudice and negative feelings, even during popular events and festivals. Knowledge is liberating, but it brings with it responsibility.
What Spiritist book has meant the most to you?
I really like the works of André Luiz. I can relate to his questions and explanations because he takes the role of a journalist in the Spirit World and tries to understand the relations between the physical and the spiritual levels of existence. But I think it is essential to read and study continuously The Spirits’ Book, as well as to make the Gospel in the Home as a way of sharing with the incarnate and discarnate in our home the teachings of Jesus.
Music touches people in their most inner feelings. Working with music has helped your contact with the Spirits?
No. I have worked with music for 30 years. As well as paying my bills, music presents a big challenge. There is too much vanity, legal and illegal drugs, shallow relations, consumerism, volatility and lack of principles, as everything and anything seems to justify the fame musicians eagerly fight for. I am glad when I see friends who live in the art world without getting infected by that atmosphere.
Brazil is going through a very unique period. What is your assessment of the current crisis in our country in the light of Spiritism?
Many Spiritual Benefactors have sent messages through reliable mediums with their views on the current political scenario in Brazil and the rest of the world. It is a tough and difficult moment, albeit a necessary one. Under the law of cause and effect, our choices will inevitably have consequences. A Christian nation like Brazil cannot embrace religious intolerance, homophobia, violence against women, abuse against children and the elderly, political alienation or the lack of solidarity. I feel indulgence for the corrupt leaders we have. Power is really a temptation for those who have not learned this lesson from Christ: do not do to other people what you would not like done to you. To be a Spiritist is not to be complacent. It is to act so that the possible changes take place, having faith in better days.
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