The Intruder
Albert was a very happy child. He was only four
years-old and felt at the centre of the Universe.
Surrounded by the love of everyone in the house, all it
took was for him to manifest a desire and soon his
parents would hurry to satisfy his whims.
Albert's bedroom, decorated especially for him, was full
of toys.

One day his mother said, with a beautiful sweet smile:
- Albert, you're going to have a little brother!
The boy felt that the world was falling on his head. He
was not sure what that meant but realised that his life
was going to be invaded by a stranger. Listening to his
mother refer to the intruder with love, inside him an
alert light came on that seemed to say:
- Danger! Danger! Danger!...
As the days passed, his suspicions were confirmed. One
day, his mom said:
- Shall we go out and buy clothes for the baby?
So there they went to the shops choosing clothes and
gifts for the intruder.
And from then on it was always like that:
- We have to buy furniture for the baby's room!
- The baby is going to need a little bathtub!
- How about buying teddy bears to decorate the baby's
How about buying this, how about buying that ... It was
always like that.
And it did not stop there. One day his mother called
Albert and asked him gently:
- Honey, would you mind changing room?
- Why?
- Because your father and I think we'd better set up the
baby's room there.
- Why?
- You’ll have a bigger, nicer room. Do you mind?
Albert did not bother and changed room. But that was
only on the outside. Inside, every day he liked that
"little brother” less as he had not even arrived yet and
had already created so much confusion in his life.
Mom's belly began to grow, and she said fondly:
- Look, Albert, the baby is moving. Put your hand on my
belly and feel it.
- No, I do not want to.
- Then come have lunch, honey.
- No.
- Why don’t you want to eat?
- Because I do not like this food.
And Albert, suddenly, pushed the plate that fell to the
ground into a thousand pieces, spreading food
He was angry and his mother asked:
- Why did you do it? Lately, you have become unbearable,
honey. You’re moody and always crying but you were not
like that before. If you continue like this, you'll get
a good spanking on your butt.
A few months later, his mother went to the hospital, and
Albert was left feeling alone and abandoned at home. In
fact, he stayed with grandma while his father
accompanied his mom to the hospital.
When his mother returned, she was carrying a package in
her arms. Albert, wistfully, ran to embrace her,
shouting with joy:
- Mom! I missed you so much! I am glad you are back!
Instead of lovingly hugging him, she said:
- Be careful, darling! Do not make noise. You're going
to wake up the baby. Look, Albert, it's your little
brother! Isn’t he beautiful?
The boy looked at the little red face that poked out of
the blanket and gave his opinion:
- No. He's ugly. Very ugly.
If Albert thought that the baby occupied much time and
attention of his mother before, now it is even worse! He
wanted to stay with his mother, but her lap was always
busy. She would deal with the baby all day. She would
breastfeed him, change his diapers, bathe him, put him
to sleep.
Not even during the night "that little thing" was quiet.
No one else could sleep in that house. The intruder was
crying all the time.
And the visitors? People who had never appeared in his
house now came to visit and bring gifts. But the gifts
were not for him… they were for the baby, of course!
More and more Albert felt unhappy and frustrated. And
full of anger, too.
While his mother talked to her friends, he would
approach the baby pretending to hug him. He pinched the
baby’s cheeks. Deep down, he would really like to hurt
that intruder.
- See how he likes his little brother! He will not move
away from him! - said his mother.
- Albert is jealous because he lost your lap!
The boy looked at the woman who had said those words,
grimaced and left the room, sulking.
He did not know what to do. Each day the "enemy" gained
more space and he was left aside.
The mother, realising what was happening with Albert,
took him in her lap with great affection and said:
- Honey, we love you very much. It's not because we got
another baby that we stopped loving you. Parents love
their children in the same way and with the same love.
God, who is the Father of all creatures, gave us life
and placed us in families so that we could live together
helping each other and learning from each other. Your
little brother is a Spirit that the Heavenly Father has
commanded us to take care, protect and educate so he can
live a good life. Do you understand? You do not have to
be jealous of him. What happens is that, at the moment,
he needs me more. Like you did when you were a baby!
Albert felt more relaxed after that conversation and,
over time, he would pay more attention to the baby,
until one day, he smiled! That ugly little thing gave
him a beautiful smile.

It was so unexpected that Albert was surprised and
- Mom! He smiled at me. The baby is my friend!
- See? He likes you, darling. His first smile was for
From that day on, Albert started seeing his brother with
different eyes. He did not think he was ugly anymore. He
was actually not that bad!
Their mother now had more time for Albert and, whenever
necessary, asked for his help to take care of the baby
while doing the domestic chores. Feeling safer and
happier, Albert was anxiously waiting for his little
brother to grow up so they could play together. After
all, the baby was no longer an intruder. He was his
Aunt Celia
Johnny Silveira /