Rodrigo César Miranda speaks
to the magazine
“Suicide, mistaken and
useless act” is the title of
our editorial about causes
and consequences of suicide.
Our interviewee of the day
is Rodrigo César Miranda,
from Jundiaí (SP). Active
scholar and required
speaker, tells us his
experiences in spirit midst
and talks about Léon Denis’
works and its importance to
better comprehend life and
spirit teachings.
Was Kardec medium? To answer
a similar question, Paulo
Neto wrote the Especial of
the same title which ending
is published this edition.
Due to subject’ extension
the article was divided in
two parts. The first was
published last edition.
Last April 26, the Spirit
Chorus Our Home, from
Londrina, celebrated ten
years. The Chorus was born
thanks to Marinei Rezende
and it has become a great
success; this is shown in an
especial report about the
theme authored by Angélica