Theme: Christmas
Spiritual Christmas
Mr. Haroldo was having a good time at the weekend
reading, as he liked to do when his son Jose entered in
the room enthusiastically.
- Dad, look how cool it is! Daniel's family is going to
spend Christmas on the beach and he invited me to come
- That's great, son! Daniel seems to be your true friend
for making that invitation.
- I'm glad you agree, Father! It's going to be awesome!
- Wait a moment. Agree about having a good friend is not
the same as agree to spend Christmas with his family
rather than ours.
The boy sensing the direction of the conversation gets
- I can’t believe I can’t go to the beach with Daniel
just because it's Christmas. That's not fair!

The father untouched by the boy's reaction pondered:
- Son, Christmas is not a regular holiday. It has
important spiritual meaning. You know very well what we
do and what is celebrated on that date.
But the boy without resigning himself replied:
- It is the birth of Jesus but no one knows for sure
what day he was born. Besides, I don’t even know if
Santa exists. Some people say he doesn’t! It would be
difficult for anyone to visit all the houses in the
world, even carrying gifts in one night. Christmas is
something people have invented for stores to sell more,
that’s it. People like Christmas because they get
presents. And the gift I want this year is to go to the
Still calm, Mr. Haroldo explained:
- Jose, my son, how many times did your birthday fall on
a weekday and we had the party over the weekend, that
is, a few days before or after the true date? If Jesus'
birthday was not exactly on December 25th, that's all
right, it is at least the day of the celebration of His
birth which was the most important event that ever
happened to mankind.
The son could not disagree and just kept hearing.
- You know son, our condition here on Earth is still
that of little evolved spirits. Most people only
perceive material things not spiritual things. They know
that the coming of Jesus among us must be celebrated but
they do so by dealing more with material things which
they know best.
Jose listened carefully to his father and he continued:
- Many times Christmas happens without people even
remembering Jesus. The most interesting for them are the
foods, drinks and gifts that will win. The houses are
decorated with typical ornaments and colored lights. The
expected visit is Santa Claus, who is a good person, who
lives in the North Pole and who has many helping elves,
who help him to prepare the presents to be taken to
every home on Christmas Eve.
Mr. Harold continued:

- People who already have the most awakened spirituality
also usually send Christmas cards or messages to each
other wishing good wishes. Some donate or act on behalf
of others. The feeling of love, charity and solidarity
comes out in them and this is called the "Christmas
- I know that Father - said the boy.
- Yes, son, but let's think about spiritual Christmas
then, insisted Mr. Harold. Jesus, the ruler of the
Earth, brother, friend and teacher is always looking for
us. On this date, people who attune themselves to Him
and His message can feel more his love influence and
have their hearts touched by this "Christmas spirit" to
experience some of the virtues He taught us.
Mr. Harold continued explaining:
- These people adorn their homes but they embellish
their hearts as well. They turn on the flashing lights
but they also light up inside, purifying their thoughts,
feelings and actions. The visit they expect is the visit
of Master Jesus. And He does have the gift of visiting
all the homes in one night. It is the gift of ubiquity.
He has helpers who are less than Him in spiritual
evolution but work in His name taking good everywhere.
He has many gifts to give us in the form of blessings of
help, love, peace and happiness.
Jose, who was paying attention, was able to understand
what Mr. Harold explained. He thought for a moment and
- Dad, that's why, every year, we help to put together
the Christmas baskets at the Spirit Center and then we
go delivering in that poor neighborhood?
- Yes son! That's why we gather the family, bring
Grandmother, invite your aunt and her cousins, read the
gospel and pray for Christmas. We seek to experience
spiritual Christmas which is much more than eating and
earning a gift.
- I know, I understood... - said Jose, resignedly.
The two of them stood up and hugged each other
affectionately. The "spirit of Christmas" was already
beginning for them...
Larissa Martine -
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