Theme: Self-knowledge; intimate makeover
The canary Brawler
In a little farm, far from the city, lived many animals.
There were animals raised by the farmer and also those
that lived in the surrounding nature.
The property was a quiet place, where the routine was
well known to everyone. Anything different was soon
So, when the farmer bought a car, it was a general
uproar. The vehicle made a loud noise and raised dust on
the dirt road.

The animals had never seen anything like it. They were
all curious and commenting:
- Wow! What should that be?
- The farmer seems to be very happy.
- Is it dangerous?
- Shall we go and see it?
Gradually, some of them approached to get to know the
novelty up close.
The dog sniffed everything and peed a tire. The cat
jumped on the hood, saw it was hot and thought it was
better to get off. The birds flew overhead, watching
One of these birds was the canary Brawler. He had this
nickname because he was very angry and always got in
trouble. For any reason, even small, it was enough for
him to have a fight.
In the first flights that Brawler made around the car,
he already saw on the side of the car another very
invoked canary, whom he did not like at all.
The days passed, and the animals were still talking
about the car, discovering more and more about what it
was like and what it did. They found that the farmer
used it to go to far places, without getting tired. They
saw that the vehicle was not dangerous and began to
understand why the farmer liked it so much.
Brawler, however, did not like the car a bit. One day,
the Hummingbird asked why and he explained:
- It's not the car I don't like. It’s the canaries that
live in the boxes on the sides of the car. They are very
rude! From the first time they saw me, they welcomed me
with a closed face. Every time I go there to ask some
questions, they don´t treat me well and we end up
fighting. They peck my beak hard, push me with their
wings. They think they are the best just because they
live in the car's boxes. They are unbearable proud,
that's what!
The Hummingbird decided to go to see the canaries, as he
was a very friendly bird. He got along well even with
Brawler! Who knows, maybe he could pacify the situation
with a conversation.
But when the Hummingbird came near the first box of the
car, he saw no canary, but another hummingbird, who
smiled at him and came to meet him.
Hummingbird thought the other had a very friendly
attitude. He smiled and nodded. The other did the same.
Then he took a little walk in the air, showing joy at
seeing his new friend. Immediately, the other repeated
his gesture.
The Hummingbird, happily, approached, always with a lot
of education, and asked if any canaries also lived
The hummingbird in the box did not reply but remained
smiling and respectful. After a while the Hummingbird
said goodbye and left.
He went to Brawler and told him what had happened. He
hadn't met the other canaries, but he had met a very
nice hummingbird.
- He didn't speak to me. Maybe he can't speak, but I
thought he was really cool anyway.
- So, you were lucky. I was very unlucky - replied
With each passing day the farm animals learned more
about the car. One day, they heard the farmer call one
of those side boxes "rear view mirror".
But it was long time before the animals understood that
no one lived in the mirrors. The mirror showed only
their reflection.
When they made this discovery, many birds and small
animals wanted to see themselves in the mirror and see
what they looked like. They went and came to the car,
having fun with it.
Brawler, suspicious, also decided to go to the mirror
and check if what they were saying was true. He quickly
realized the reality and flew away in disappointment.
- So, this is how I am? What a mad face! How invoked!
What a bully! - said the bird, a little scared to
realize that his nickname was not an exaggeration.
Brawler was one of the few who did not have fun with the
mirror, but he was the one who most benefited from
seeing his reflection. For only then, knowing himself,
he was able to improve. He started to observer his
reactions and his way of dealing with others, becoming
more friendly.
The canary managed to carry out his intimate reform,
replacing many of his weaknesses with qualities.
Everyone started to like him, and he was never called a
Brawler again.
Larissa Martine -
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