Theme: Good character
The race
Carlos liked to play sports and was training hard to
participate in school games that would happen soon in
his city. Many schools, including from other cities,
would participate in the event.
Carlos trained athletics and was going to compete in
long distance running.
The physical education teacher, who was his coach, took
Carlos to the event site a few days before the
competition. There, they trained the entire race, from
the start to the finish, going over everything Carlos
should do well and get a medal.
The big day finally come. Carlos was anxious, but
confident. He knew he was a good runner, because he was
the best in his school.
Several athletes were called, each in their own
category. The sporting event was conducted with a lot of
support from colleagues and family members present.
When Carlos' turn came, several boys were called as
well. They positioned themselves at the starting line,
the signal to start was given, and they started running.

Carlos knew what to do. He took big strides, controlled
his breath and measured the effort not to run out of
breath at the end, since it was a long run. Early on,
the boy has distanced himself from most of the other
competitors, running ahead of them.
Only one participant ran close to Carlos, and he was an
excellent runner too. He wore the uniform of a school in
other city and Carlos soon realized that it would not be
easy to beat him.
The two moved further and further away from the other
corridors. The boy went ahead and Carlos a little
behind. The crowd screamed and applauded that exciting
The boys, tired, forced their strides a little further
as they approached the finish line, giving as much as
they could.
Carlos realized that the boy was going to win, but he
did not stop trying, because he also wanted to arrive as
soon as possible.
Suddenly, something unexpected happened. There was a
white line painted on the ground a few meters before the
finish line, which served as a marker for another
activity that would take place on that track. The boy
from the other school, passing the white line, stopped
running and raised his arms happily, thinking he had won
the race.
Carlos, who was right behind, noticed the confusion that
the competitor had made. He had trained on that track
previously, but the boy had not.
Carlos, still running, reached the boy and put his hand
on his shoulder. Gasping, he just pointed with his other
hand at the finish line just ahead.
The boy got the message and ran a few more meters,
finishing the run. He was the first placed and Carlos
took the second place, arriving soon after.
Only then, the two stopped to rest and receive the
compliments of the fans.
After composing himself, Carlos returned to his
colleagues in the stands and one of them asked:
- Why did you do that, Carlos?
- Did what? - asked Carlos, not understanding what the
other meant.
- You let the boy from the other school win! You could
have taken advantage of his mistake and won in the end.
- No, I couldn't! - replied Carlos firmly - He actually
won the race! I did my best and yet he was in front of
me the whole time. Do you think it would be right for me
to take the gold medal without deserving it, taking
advantage of the fact that he is from other city and did
not train on the track like me?
The colleague said nothing more. He knew that Carlos had
acted correctly.
- Congratulations, Carlos! You did great! You did your
best time! - said the trainer happily, giving him a hug.
Carlos was happy with the compliment received. He had
been a little sad to have come in second, but his
teacher's words reminded him that he had done everything
he could, and so he was a winner too.
At the time of the award ceremony, the first-place
winner, Carlos and the boy who came in third place, went
up to the podium and received their medals.
The winning boy then took Carlos' arm and raised it in a
gesture of gratitude, demonstrating that Carlos was a
champion too.
The excited crowd made a lot of noise, applauding,
whistling and shouting the name of Carlos, who felt very
Carlos returned home with a state of weightlessness.
Even with the silver medal, he felt like a winner. He
had won in the test of life, which is the most important
and which gives us real merits and triumphs.
(Story based on real facts.)
Larissa Martine -
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