There is a
purpose, a goal, for a child
to come into the world
If the child's arrival is in
any way frustrating, the
normal course of child´s
life is interrupted and the
purpose of his/her coming is
not fulfilled. This is what
happens with the practice of
abortion, the theme of the
Special written by the
doctor Americo Domingos
Nunes Filho, president of
the Medical-Spiritist
Association of the State of
Rio de Janeiro. In the
article, which is one of the
highlights of this edition,
the columnist lists the
various reasons why abortion
without cause must be
avoided. In the end,
referring to those who
defend abortion, he says:
"Some pro-abortion comments
really surprise us, due to
their certainly pathological
and inhuman content".
Another highlight of the
edition is the interview
given to us by professor
Cesar Sátiro dos Santos,
born in São Paulo, who lived
and worked in the spiritist
movement in the city of
Catanduva (SP) for some
time, until he transferred
his residence to Canada.
Professor of Chemistry and
Master of Science Teaching,
he is the current president
of the Centre Spirite Chico
Xavier, from the town of
Sherbrooke, where he lives.
In an interview with
journalist Giovana Campos,
doctor José Henrique Rubim
de Carvalho, president of
the Nova Friburgo Medical-Spiritist
Association (RJ), presents
the relationship between the
feeling of guilt and its
spiritual implications for
integral health. In the
interview, he also indicates
what is the best therapy for
people who blame themselves
easily, whether for small
errors of their own or
others. The article is one
of the highlights of this