It is
important to keep in mind
that we are here for
The warning above is from
our interviewee Amanda Sales
Cafezeiro, psychologist with
expertise in child and
teenager health. She lives
in Jequié (BA), where se cha
born. She is associated to
the activities of the
Spiritist Centre Bezerra de
Menezes, in her town. She
tells us in the interview
about her initiation in
Spiritism and her experience
as a psychologist and
spiritist worker, where she
also works as a speaker and
enlightening at the
mediumship sessions. Orson
Peter Carrara is the
responsible for the
interview which is one of
the spot of the current
Another spot is the
Especial The Spiritism
and the atavistic grafts
from people of other places,
authored by Jorge Hessen,
Brasília (DF), which brings
considerations about
spiritist manifestations of
the disembodied people at
the Spiritist House who
present themselves as
Indians, caboclos or
old-black people, those who
the writer call them as
“simple spirits”. The
article clearly reports a
polemic theme, which there
is no unanimity in the
spirit midst. It is
mentioned in a postscript by
the magazine board that has
been introduced at the end
of the report.