Maria das Graças Ribeiro Lazarini (photo) is a retired teacher in the Brazilian city of Três Rios, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. She is the current president of the Fé e Esperança (Faith and Hope) Spiritist Group – also known by the acronym GEFE. In this interview that she gave us, she speaks about the art of serving and helping others.
How was your first contact with Spiritism?
It was at the Ivon Costa Spiritist Centre in the city of Juiz de Fora, when I was eight years old. I was spending my holidays there with my uncle and aunt, who used to attend their meetings. I loved hearing the public talks of Mr Izaltino Silveiro. A few years later, when I was 12, I began questioning many things I had learned having been brought up as a Catholic. At the age of 23, after my baby daughter passed away, I received a visit from Aunts Araci and Sebastiana, who invited me to receive healing at GEFE Spiritist Centre. And that’s how my involvement with them began.
What strikes you and attracts you the most from Spiritism, these harmonious Teachings?
The clear and rational approach used to address the issues that are part of the Core Codification books of Allan Kardec. The Teachings and the moral values of Christ are revealed there from their true source, which is the clean fountain of the laws of God.
What do you say about the art of serving and helping others, which is strongly encouraged by the Gospel and Spiritism?
I believe that the art of serving and helping our brothers and sisters is one of the pillars of the Teachings of Jesus. Even as we face the challenges of our spiritual imperfections, we can see across the Spiritist Movement a great deal of dedication and an overall focus on serving and charity. That is valid for individuals going through a difficult situation as well as to the big social projects carried out within the Spiritist Movement.
Do you think that we, Spiritists, are really fully aware of the importance of the art of serving?
Not yet! As I said, we have achieved a great deal but the journey is long and there’s still a long way to go. We need to be able to make a clear distinction between assistencialism and social assistance. But we have made considerable progress in that field.
And what should we do to prevent vanity and pride taking over in charitable work?
I believe that seminars, gatherings and meetings organised by the Spiritist Movement can help us deal with a number of problems that we end up facing in Spiritist Centres. It’s important to deal with our differences and to improve ourselves but also to report serious problems if necessary. We must bear in mind that we all need to move forward together.
What have you learned from your experience in social programmes organised by the Spiritist Movement?
It’s the importance of giving dignity and respect to everyone, of encouraging human beings to know their rights and to make the most of their opportunities, prioritising their professional development as a way of earning a living for themselves. Is that difficult to achieve? Yes, very difficult. But we have to carry on working hard to help reshape social and family structures of those who are in need and who come asking for help. Sometimes they lack the most basic needs to start with.
What are your strongest memories from all these years in Spiritism?
There are so many memories and it’s very difficult to remember all of those that involved so much pain and sadness. But there are also many happy memories of the efforts and achievements of so many people who worked hard, managed to overcome their problems and now live with dignity.
Is there anything else you would like to add?