Theme: Friendship
The friends
Henry was apprehensive. It was his first day at the new
school. His family had recently moved to the city of
Campo Azul and he would start classes in the middle of
the semester. The boy was worried if he was able to keep
up with the other students.
At the beginning of the class, the teacher introduced
Henry to the class and asked everyone to open the
booklet to continue studying what had been taught in the
previous class.
Henry tried to read the booklet to understand the
subject, which he had not yet learned.
Afterwards, the teacher gave a list of exercises that
the students should do and gave it to him at the end of
the class.
Henry felt lost. He did not know how to solve the
proposed exercises. He raised his hand to ask for the
teacher's help, but she was busy with other students.
Henry lowered his hand with a sigh, but soon he felt
someone poke him and say:
- Hi Henry! I'm Joseph! Do you need help with the
Henry was shy and a little embarrassed, but with his
colleague's friendly gesture he felt more confident and
- I think so. I didn't understand how to do it. Can you
help me?

Joseph willingly explained what should be done. Henry
understood and was happy to be able to finish the
activity before the ringing of the bell for break time.
The students left the room and Joseph called Henry to
play. The two boys had fun, talked, and walked together.
Joseph showed Henry the whole school and the coolest
things about it, like the court and the playground.
Before the break ended, Joseph shared his lunch with
Henry, who hadn't brought anything, since at his old
school lunch was offered to students.
When classes were over, Henry took his material and went
to the school gate, where his mother was already waiting
for him. He gave her a hug and happily told his mother
how his first day had been and how nice Joseph had been
to him.
After a week, Henry was already more adapted to school.
Colleagues spoke little to him, but the boy was happy
for his friendship with Joseph. At the end of the class,
the teacher asked for the attention of all the students
and warned:
- Don't forget that tomorrow is Toy Day! Each one can
bring their favorite toy to show the class and play
together at break time.
Henry was very excited about the news. He soon thought
about the toy he was going to bring.
The next day, Henry arrived at school carrying his set
of walkie talkies. “I'll ask if Joseph wants to play spy
with me” he thought.
But as soon as the other children saw the toy that Henry
had brought, they began to ask him to play.
- Hi Henry! Come play with me, I'll lend you my toy and
you lend me yours.
- Henry, can I play with you? I've never seen a walkie
talkie before. Can I hold?
- Oh, Henry, your toy is so cool. I want to be the first
to play with you!
Henry felt uncomfortable, as he had planned to play with
Joseph. “When I arrived at school, Joseph was the only
one who wanted to be my friend” he thought “Just because
my toy is cool, now everyone wants to play with me.”
Henry walked and saw Joseph, who was sitting alone on
one of the benches in the courtyard.
- It's just that now I'm going to play with Joseph, but
later I can lend it to you - Henry said to the other
children, going to meet his friend.
Joseph loved playing with the walkie talkies. The two
boys had a great time, hiding around the school and
communicating over the radios, imagining they were
police officers looking for clues.
In addition, Joseph was also happy to see that Henry had
preferred to play with him rather than with the most
popular classmates.
- Thank you for choosing me for playing, Henry! I saw
that everyone wanted to play too and there were only two
- You're welcome! - said Henry putting his hand on
Joseph's shoulder - Of course I was going to play with
you, right? You are my friend!
Henry was a shy and quiet boy, but he was no fool. He
knew how to value true friendship and he also knew that
it is not in the moments when we are on top, but in the
moments when we are more fragile, that we know people's
hearts better.
Henry and Joseph's friendship was based on affinities
and not on interests and that's why it was always a
reason for happiness for both of them.
Larissa Martine -
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